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人気の Lobste の最新 の投稿

ソース: バージョン: 他の言語: 購読: ソーシャル: 最終更新日: 2024-04-25T13:02:47.720+08:00   統計を見る
12:48  Mind the Patch Gap: Exploiting an io_uring Vulnerability in Ubuntu (blog.exodusintel.com)
07:20  Pilgrimages for electronics tinkerers in Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka? (lobste.rs)
05:50  Notifications in 46 and beyond – GNOME Shell & Mutter (blogs.gnome.org)
04:05  Next.js App Router Routing patterns you should know (medium.com)
01:01  How I tricked iOS into giving me EU DMA features (adamdemasi.com)
00:25  Emacs Tidbit: rectangle-number-lines (www.emoses.org)
04-24  OpenELM: An Efficient Language Model Family with Open-source Training and Inference Framework (arxiv.org)
04-24  Tracking down a UEFI quirk on the Fujitsu LIFEBOOK AH532 (blog.timschumi.net)
04-23  Double Edged Sword of Docker: Balancing Benefits and Risks (it-notes.dragas.net)
04-23  The Two Reasons I Prefer Passing Struct Pointers Around (preslav.me)
04-23  The Optimizations in Erlang/OTP 27 (www.erlang.org)
04-23  Understanding and avoiding visually ambiguous characters in IDs (gajus.com)
04-23  LLM in a flash: Efficient Large Language Model Inference with Limited Memory (arxiv.org)
04-23  Understanding a Trait Selection Bug in Rust Compiler (veera.app)
04-23  Announcing Beatrice: A finally tagless, dependently typed, self-aware programming language (hirrolot.github.io)
04-22  LogTape: Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers (github.com)
04-22  The only two log levels you need are INFO and ERROR (ntietz.com)
04-22  A Deeper Look Inside PostgreSQL Visibility Check Mechanism (www.highgo.ca)
04-22  The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI (obie.medium.com)
04-21  Dataflow Analyses and Compiler Optimizations that Use Them, for Free – Embedded in Academia (blog.regehr.org)
04-20  An Interesting Problem Solved In Python And Elizir (medium.com)
04-20  GWP-ASan: Sampling-Based Detection of Memory-Safety Bugs in Production (arxiv.org)
04-20  FreeBSD: Using DTrace to Track Down Started Processes and Used Files (www.youtube.com)
04-19  Logpipe: automatic syntax highlighting for development logs (github.com)
04-19  Ubuntu 24.04 yields a 20% advantage over Windows 11 on Ryzen7 Framework laptop (www.phoronix.com)
04-19  Formal Mechanised Semantics of CHERI C: Capabilities, Undefined Behaviour, and Provenance (dl.acm.org)
04-19  Ruff v0.4.0: a hand-written recursive descent parser for Python (astral.sh)
04-18  Wayland, where are we in 2024? Any good for being the default? (www.dedoimedo.com)
04-18  Solving the minimum cut problem for undirected graphs (research.google)
04-17  Java 23: The New Features are Officially Announced (coderoasis.com)
04-17  AI Index Report 2024 – Artificial Intelligence Index (aiindex.stanford.edu)
04-17  Participating in the Spring Lisp Game jam, why and how (drewsh.com)
04-17  Collection of notebooks showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude (github.com)
04-17  The BLISS programming language: a history (2002) (www.cs.tufts.edu)
04-17  Megalodon: Efficient LLM Pretraining and Inference with Unlimited Context Length (arxiv.org)
04-17  gcloud-lite lightweight Google Cloud Platform CLI distro (github.com)
04-17  The legal rule that computers are presumed to be operating correctly – unforeseen and unjust consequences (2022) (www.benthamsgaze.org)
04-17  ATAC: A simple API client (postman like) in your terminal (github.com)
04-16  VR Browser Wolvic Switches from Gecko to Chromium (wolvic.com)
04-16  Trying Out Cloudflare's `foundations` Library for Rust (cprimozic.net)
04-15  The origin and virtues of semicolons in programming languages (ntietz.com)
04-15  Root Cause vs. Contributing Factors (felipe.rs)
04-15  Getting started with sched-ext development (arighi.blogspot.com)
04-14  Getting started with ActivityPub (dev.to)
04-14  A powerful CLI for creating and managing PrivateBin pastes with ease (github.com)
04-14  Linux Fu: Getting Started With Systemd (hackaday.com)
04-14  Power Hungry Processing: Watts Driving the Cost of AI Deployment? (arxiv.org)
04-14  Can You Grok It - Hacking Together Your Own Dev Tunnel Service (0xda.de)
04-14  Lessons after a half-billion GPT tokens (kenkantzer.com)
04-13  zkSNARKs & zkSTARKs: A Novel Verifiable Computation Model (illya.sh)
04-13  Minimal Kotlin and Nix flake example (with Gradle 8 support) (github.com)
04-13  Identifying and Correcting Programming Language Behavior Misconceptions (cs.brown.edu)
04-12  Fast, Declarative, Reproduble and Composable Developer Environments using Nix (devenv.sh)