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数据来源: 该页面支持的版本: 该页面支持的语言: 订阅地址: 社交媒体: 最后更新于: 2024-04-27T10:59:17.248+08:00   查看统计
10:37  Reflectively constructing enums at runtime (highlysuspect.agency)
09:03  Clang's -O0 output: branch displacement and size increase (maskray.me)
07:55  How Not To Release Historic Source Code (www.os2museum.com)
07:23  Giving Rust a chance for in-kernel codecs (lwn.net)
05:23  PEP 686 – Make UTF-8 mode default (peps.python.org)
04:35  Reliable HTTP: Outsmarting the Two Generals with Webhooks (antman-does-software.com)
04:19  bun.report is Bun's new crash reporter (bun.sh)
01:10  Lessons learned after 3 years of fulltime Rust game development, and why we're leaving Rust behind (loglog.games)
00:00  Maintaining the world’s fastest CDN at Netflix on FreeBSD (freebsdfoundation.org)
04-26  Sonic: A low-latency asynchronous networking library for trading in Go (www.talos.com)
04-26  Patching requests for fun and (concurrent) profit (blog.borrego.dev)
04-26  Building a highly-available search engine using SQLite (www.philipotoole.com)
04-26  Pharo - Pharo 12 Released (pharo.org)
04-26  Heed v0.20: The safest and most maintained Rust wrapper for the LMDB key-value store (github.com)
04-26  simone: Repurpose your YouTube videos by converting them into blog posts (github.com)
04-26  X-CMD | Lightweight POSIX script for managing tools (500+) and providing classic command extensions in an open-source environment (www.x-cmd.com)
04-26  JSR Is Not Another Package Manager (deno.com)
04-26  Guiding users away from cd and ls (terminal.click)
04-26  Hilbish the Moon-powered interactive shell for Lua fans (rosettea.github.io)
04-26  Coverage Guided Fuzzing - Extending Instrumentation to Hunt Down Bugs Faster (blog.includesecurity.com)
04-26  Inside the Leaked System Prompts of GPT-4, Gemini 1.5, Claude 3, and More (levelup.gitconnected.com)
04-26  Deriving a Bit-Twiddling Hack: Signed Integer Overflow (grack.com)
04-26  Overcoming Hallucinations with the Trustworthy Language Model (cleanlab.ai)
04-26  kandria: A post-apocalyptic actionRPG written in lisp (github.com)
04-25  Package management on macOS with nix-darwin (davi.sh)
04-25  Getting your Haskell executable statically linked without Nix (hasufell.github.io)
04-25  Effectful – An easy to use, performant extensible effects library (flora.pm)
04-25  Create a Debian VM on MacOS Apple Silicon with QEMU (sleepymug.me)
04-25  Equivalence of morphisms under substitution (math.stackexchange.com)
04-25  The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) (geti2p.net)
04-25  What’s new in security for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS? (ubuntu.com)
04-25  Mind the Patch Gap: Exploiting an io_uring Vulnerability in Ubuntu (blog.exodusintel.com)
04-25  Ruby might be faster than you think - John Hawthorn (www.johnhawthorn.com)
04-25  Pilgrimages for electronics tinkerers in Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka? (lobste.rs)
04-25  HashiCorp joins IBM to accelerate multi-cloud automation (www.hashicorp.com)
04-25  Notifications in 46 and beyond – GNOME Shell & Mutter (blogs.gnome.org)
04-25  Next.js App Router Routing patterns you should know (medium.com)
04-25  Fine-tuning OpenAI models (gajus.com)
04-25  Ukrainian Coder's New Programming Language: One Big Data Structure (thenewstack.io)
04-25  Dumping and extracting the SpaceX Starlink User Terminal firmware (www.esat.kuleuven.be)
04-25  How I tricked iOS into giving me EU DMA features (adamdemasi.com)
04-25  Is your programming language made of multidimensional plasma? (cygni.ghost.io)
04-25  Consistent overhead byte stuffing for binary logs (pvk.ca)
04-25  Borrow checking, RC, GC, and the Eleven (!) Other Memory Safety Approaches (verdagon.dev)
04-25  Emacs Tidbit: rectangle-number-lines (www.emoses.org)
04-24  A visual introduction to Fourier Series (www.andreinc.net)
04-24  Reminding Myself to Take a Break, The Hard Way (blog.damnever.com)
04-24  OpenELM: An Efficient Language Model Family with Open-source Training and Inference Framework (arxiv.org)
04-24  No, LLM Agents can not Autonomously Exploit One-day Vulnerabilities (struct.github.io)
04-24  What are some of your must-have Neovim customizations? (lobste.rs)
04-24  HTML attributes vs DOM properties (jakearchibald.com)
04-24  The Apple M-Series GoFetch Attack (youtube.com)
04-24  The Rise of GQL: A New ISO Standard in Graph Query Language (www.tigergraph.com)
04-24  Composability: Designing a Visual Programming Language (johnaustin.io)
04-24  Beckhoff Achieves Smaller (1.5GB vs. 2.0GB) RAM Footprint by Switching from Windows to FreeBSD (freebsdfoundation.org)
04-24  We attend the Vintage Computer Festival (VCF East 2024) (youtu.be)
04-24  Who are your favorite tech youtubers (lobste.rs)
04-24  lean theorem prover used to show that New Foundations set theory is equiconsistent with ZFC (leanprover-community.github.io)
04-24  LLM Agents can Autonomously Exploit One-day Vulnerabilities (arxiv.org)
04-24  Tracking down a UEFI quirk on the Fujitsu LIFEBOOK AH532 (blog.timschumi.net)
04-24  Are batch scripts a security vulnerability? (chrisdenton.dev)
04-24  Spritely Goblins v0.13.0: Object persistence and easier IO (spritely.institute)
04-24  Good essays on application vs library programming? (lobste.rs)
04-23  rust-sel4: Rust support for seL4 userspace (github.com)
04-23  Taking regular screenshots of my website (alexwlchan.net)
04-23  anthropic-rb: Ruby bindings for the Anthropic API (github.com)
04-23  Double Edged Sword of Docker: Balancing Benefits and Risks (it-notes.dragas.net)
04-23  Extensible Language Support in Zed (zed.dev)
04-23  Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout (webkit.org)
04-23  But what is a GPT? Visual intro to transformers (www.youtube.com)
04-23  coroot: open-source DataDog/NewRelic alternative (github.com)
04-23  C isn’t a Hangover; Rust isn’t a Hangover Cure (medium.com)
04-23  The Two Reasons I Prefer Passing Struct Pointers Around (preslav.me)
04-23  A Daily Practice of Empirical Software Design - Kent Beck - (2023) (www.youtube.com)
04-23  Announcing py2wasm: A Python to Wasm compiler (wasmer.io)
04-23  Top 10 Trending Python Libraries in April 2024 (dev.to)
04-23  sdt: Prototype implementation of SDT probes using hot-patching (reviews.freebsd.org)
04-23  The Optimizations in Erlang/OTP 27 (www.erlang.org)
04-23  udev-hid-bpf: quickstart tooling to fix your HID devices with eBPF (who-t.blogspot.com)
04-23  Understanding and avoiding visually ambiguous characters in IDs (gajus.com)
04-23  LLM in a flash: Efficient Large Language Model Inference with Limited Memory (arxiv.org)
04-23  Understanding a Trait Selection Bug in Rust Compiler (veera.app)
04-23  Introducing for-each loops for Hare (harelang.org)
04-23  Announcing Beatrice: A finally tagless, dependently typed, self-aware programming language (hirrolot.github.io)
04-23  Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Engineering Updates to Earth (blogs.nasa.gov)
04-23  The Performance Impact of C++'s `final` Keyword (16bpp.net)
04-23  First Come First Served: The Impact of File Position on Code Review (2022) (arxiv.org)
04-23  Practical parsing with PEG and cpp-peglib (berthub.eu)
04-22  Options for accessing Llama 3 from the terminal using LLM (simonwillison.net)
04-22  Automated stitching of chip images (www.bunniestudios.com)
04-22  Secure Boot & TPM-backed Full Disk Encryption on NixOS (jnsgr.uk)
04-22  Making a flute controlled mouse (0110.be)
04-22  LogTape: Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers (github.com)
04-22  The only two log levels you need are INFO and ERROR (ntietz.com)
04-22  Are aarch64 atomics really this sensitive? (eighty-twenty.org)
04-22  Address Sanitizer for bare-metal firmware (security.googleblog.com)
04-22  Interview with Matt Godbolt on early microprocessors, the games industry, and performance optimization (microarch.club)
04-22  A Deeper Look Inside PostgreSQL Visibility Check Mechanism (www.highgo.ca)
04-22  badkeys tool can detect xz backdoor RSA keys (github.com)
04-22  The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI (obie.medium.com)
04-22  Cross compiling C/Rust to win32, again (neugierig.org)
04-22  Shared libs, rpath and the runtime linker (carlosrdrz.dev)
04-22  C&C - Solving Recursive Equations (jozefg.bitbucket.io)
04-21  Dataflow Analyses and Compiler Optimizations that Use Them, for Free – Embedded in Academia (blog.regehr.org)
04-21  lunatik: Lunatik is a framework for scripting the Linux kernel with Lua (github.com)
04-21  thetawave: A physics based, space shooter game made with Rust and the Bevy engine (github.com)
04-21  An entire Social Network in 1.6GB (GraphD Part 2) (jazco.dev)
04-20  Programming vs mathematical curiosity (demian.ferrei.ro)
04-20  Do not buy Hisense TVs (or at least keep them offline) (cohost.org)
04-20  An Interesting Problem Solved In Python And Elizir (medium.com)
04-20  Fast and flexible observability with canonical log lines (2019) (stripe.com)
04-20  Design patterns for extracting from REST APIs (blog.sequin.io)
04-20  GWP-ASan: Sampling-Based Detection of Memory-Safety Bugs in Production (arxiv.org)
04-20  Zilog Calls Time on the Venerable Z80 (www.hackster.io)
04-20  FreeBSD: Using DTrace to Track Down Started Processes and Used Files (www.youtube.com)
04-19  Logpipe: automatic syntax highlighting for development logs (github.com)
04-19  Rust tokio task cancellation patterns (cybernetist.com)
04-19  Rook’s Law: There’s Always a Limit (nigeltao.github.io)
04-19  3 important things I overlooked during code reviews (www.piglei.com)
04-19  Raw flux streams and obscure formats: Further work around imaging 5.25-inch floppy disks (digitalpreservation-blog.lib.cam.ac.uk)
04-19  Randar Explanation and Information (github.com)
04-19  Ubuntu 24.04 yields a 20% advantage over Windows 11 on Ryzen7 Framework laptop (www.phoronix.com)
04-19  Formal Mechanised Semantics of CHERI C: Capabilities, Undefined Behaviour, and Provenance (dl.acm.org)
04-19  cronometro: Simple benchmarking suite powered by HDR histograms (github.com)
04-19  Ruff v0.4.0: a hand-written recursive descent parser for Python (astral.sh)
04-19  We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop (nadim.computer)
04-19  CVE-2024-20356: Jailbreaking a Cisco appliance to run DOOM (labs.nettitude.com)
04-19  SQLite on Rails: The how and why of optimal performance (fractaledmind.github.io)
04-18  seL4 on AArch64 is now verified for functional correctness (proofcraft.systems)
04-18  Memory management in mpmetrics (blog.trends.tf)
04-18  Wayland, where are we in 2024? Any good for being the default? (www.dedoimedo.com)
04-18  Make your own backdoor: CFLAGS code injection, Makefile injection, pkg-config (www.openwall.com)
04-18  Formal Methods: Just Good Engineering Practice? (brooker.co.za)
04-18  A deep dive into Single Pair Ethernet (electricui.com)
04-18  Full-text search of the OpenBSD manual pages (man.ifconfig.se)
04-18  Deep Dive into Rspack & Webpack Tree Shaking (github.com)
04-18  Advanced Memory Management in Vale (youtu.be)
04-18  Palo Alto Networks zero-day exploited since March to backdoor firewalls (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
04-18  PyPI: Expanding Trusted Publisher Support (blog.pypi.org)
04-18  Solving the minimum cut problem for undirected graphs (research.google)
04-17  Java 23: The New Features are Officially Announced (coderoasis.com)
04-17  Unpacking the Blackjack Group's Fuxnet Malware (claroty.com)
04-17  AI Index Report 2024 – Artificial Intelligence Index (aiindex.stanford.edu)
04-17  Participating in the Spring Lisp Game jam, why and how (drewsh.com)
04-17  Collection of notebooks showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude (github.com)
04-17  Use Cases for Merging and Splitting Partitions With Minimal Locking in PostgreSQL 17 (andyatkinson.com)
04-17  The BLISS programming language: a history (2002) (www.cs.tufts.edu)
04-17  Ten years of improvements in PostgreSQL's optimizer (rmarcus.info)
04-17  Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things (tonsky.me)
04-17  m2dir: treating mails as files without going crazy (bitfehler.srht.site)
04-17  River 0.3.0, Waylock 1.0.0, Status Update (isaacfreund.com)
04-17  Megalodon: Efficient LLM Pretraining and Inference with Unlimited Context Length (arxiv.org)
04-17  gcloud-lite lightweight Google Cloud Platform CLI distro (github.com)
04-17  Cute trick for fetch-and-add-based queues (outerproduct.net)
04-17  The legal rule that computers are presumed to be operating correctly – unforeseen and unjust consequences (2022) (www.benthamsgaze.org)
04-17  Why OpenSSL punycode vulnerability CVE-2022-3602 was not detected by fuzz testing (allsoftwaresucks.blogspot.com)
04-16  Telegram Arbitrary Code Execution via InstantView | TeleSec (www.telesec.top)
04-16  VR Browser Wolvic Switches from Gecko to Chromium (wolvic.com)
04-16  Trying Out Cloudflare's `foundations` Library for Rust (cprimozic.net)
04-16  Measuring your system’s performance using software (Go edition) (lemire.me)
04-16  Knuth–Morris–Pratt illustrated (www.cambridge.org)
04-16  Apple’s Mysterious Fisheye Projection (blog.mikeswanson.com)
04-16  Elastic Universal Profiling agent, a continuous profiling solution, is now open source (www.elastic.co)
04-16  Locally Perfect Spatial Hashing (haug.codes)
04-15  The origin and virtues of semicolons in programming languages (ntietz.com)
04-15  Root Cause vs. Contributing Factors (felipe.rs)
04-15  Beware of base64 encoded strings (garrit.xyz)
04-15  Neverest, a CLI to synchronize, backup and restore emails (github.com)