3. 憎恨人工智能的人建造防空洞,诱捕和欺骗无视 robots.txt 的人工智能搜刮器 AI haters build tarpits to trap and trick AI scrapers that ignore robots.txt (arstechnica.com)
9. polysubml-demo:具有子类型、多态性、高阶类型和全局类型推断的简单类 ML 语言 polysubml-demo: A simple ML-like language with subtyping, polymorphism, higher rank types, and global type inference (github.com)
11. LKML: Hector Martin: [PATCH] MAINTAINERS:删除我自己 LKML: Hector Martin: [PATCH] MAINTAINERS: Remove myself (lkml.org)
13. 为 Python 3.14 合并了 CPython 尾呼解释器 CPython tail-call interpreter merged for Python 3.14 (docs.python.org)
17. OpenTelemetry、Prometheus 等:哪个更适合度量指标的收集和传播? OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, and More: Which Is Better for Metrics Collection and Propagation? (victoriametrics.com)
18. numbat用于科学计算的静态类型编程语言,对物理尺寸和单位提供一流支持 numbat: A statically typed programming language for scientific computations with first class support for physical dimensions and units (github.com)
28. 使用 Redis 对 Rails 中的缓存与其他缓存进行基准测试 Benchmarking caching in Rails with Redis vs the alternatives (www.bigbinary.com)
29. [OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt 24.10.0 - 第一个稳定版本 - 6.2025 年 2 月 [OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt 24.10.0 - First Stable Release - 6. February 2025 (openwrt.org)
33. 全新 le Chat:您的生活和工作人工智能助手 Mistral AI The all new le Chat: Your AI assistant for life and work Mistral AI (mistral.ai)
37. 开始生产 OpenTitan 硅材料 Fabrication begins for production OpenTitan silicon (opensource.googleblog.com)
42. 2025 年,您应该选择哪种富文本编辑器框架? Which rich text editor framework should you choose in 2025? (liveblocks.io)
50. 进行索引扫描并不意味着不能做得更好 Just because you’re getting an index scan, doesn''t mean you can’t do better (www.pgmustard.com)
51. FreeBSD 和高保真音频设置:比特完美、均衡器、实时 FreeBSD and hi-fi audio setup: bit-perfect, equalizer, real-time (m4c.pl)
54. 是时候对软件内存安全的原则和实践进行标准化了 - ACM 通信 It Is Time to Standardize Principles and Practices for Software Memory Safety – Communications of the ACM (cacm.acm.org)
61. 通过 Octothorpes,所有熊博客现在都可以使用标签了 All Bear blogs can use hashtags now via Octothorpes (octothorpes.bearblog.dev)
64. 用 Java 实现具有可选 FIFO 类似语义的 RingBuffer Implementation of a RingBuffer in Java with optional FIFO like semantics (github.com)
66. comic-web-markup:Comic-web 是一种用于描述漫画的标记语言,也是这种语言的渲染引擎 comic-web-markup: Comic-web is a markup language for describing comics, as well as a rendering engine for this language (github.com)
67. zasper:运行 Jupyter 笔记本最快、最高效的集成开发环境 zasper: Fastest and Most Efficient IDE to run Jupyter Notebooks (github.com)
77. 利用 Membrane 和 Google Gemini 在 Elixir 中构建语音人工智能应用程序 Building voice AI apps in Elixir with Membrane and Google Gemini (blog.swmansion.com)
81. Framework 为其 13 英寸笔记本电脑推出 RISC-V 板卡以及 "无板 "笔记本电脑机箱 Framework ships RISC-V board for its 13" laptops along with "boardless" laptop chassis (arstechnica.com)
87. SerenityOS 开发商正在挑战浏览器双头垄断局面 The developer of SerenityOS is challenging the browser duopoly (thenextweb.com)
92. 在 Kubernetes 中运行 ArchiveTeam 的 Warrior Running ArchiveTeam''s Warrior in Kubernetes (gabrielsimmer.com)
93. 胖兰特生成一个随机数需要多少行? Fat Rand: How Many Lines Do You Need To Generate A Random Number? (lucumr.pocoo.org)
94. 供应链安全和废弃 S3 存储桶的危险 Supply chain security and the danger of abandoned S3 buckets (labs.watchtowr.com)
98. 不慌不忙的 Rust:系统编程的绝妙技巧 No-Panic Rust: A Nice Technique for Systems Programming (blog.reverberate.org)
99. 如何在同一接口上使用不同 IP 配置多个 Tor 中继器 How to configure multiple Tor relays on the same interface with different IPs (osservatorionessuno.org)
107. 用 Rust 创建自己的 SQLite,第 4 部分:读取表格元数据 Build your own SQLite in Rust, Part 4: reading tables metadata (blog.sylver.dev)
117. PanGui - 跨平台 UI 库,专注于性能、简洁性和强大的表现力 PanGui - A cross-platform UI library with a razor sharp focus on performance, simplicity and expressive power (pangui.io)
128. RUSTSEC-2025-0004:openssl:ssl::select_next_proto 释放后使用 RUSTSEC-2025-0004: openssl: ssl::select_next_proto use after free (rustsec.org)
136. 通过示例学习 Common Lisp:使用 SBCL 的 GTK 图形用户界面 Learn Common Lisp by Example: GTK GUI with SBCL (goober99.hashnode.dev)
140. 设计您的数据:APL 性能的面包和黄油》,Aaron Hsu 著 Designing your Data: The Bread & Butter of APL Performance by Aaron Hsu (www.youtube.com)
142. 好莱坞:将电脑控制台分割成多个窗格,上演真正的技术剧情片 Hollywood: split a computer console into multiple panes of genuine technical melodrama (a.hollywood.computer)
144. 每个人都知道你的位置:通过应用内广告追踪我自己 Everyone knows your location: tracking myself down through in-app ads (timsh.org)
145. par:带有互动游乐场的实验并发语言 par: experimental concurrent language with an interactive playground (github.com)
148. 您梦想使用什么软件,却没有时间自己编写代码? What software do you dream about, but do not have time to code yourself? (lobste.rs)
163. 允许 "死灵法术":为避免转贴,启用对旧文章的评论 Allow Necromancy: To Avoid Reposts, Enable Comments on Old Posts (lobste.rs)
164. 在 Miyoo A30 上运行 Python 3、Pygame 和 Debian Bookworm Python 3, Pygame, and Debian Bookworm on the Miyoo A30 (www.jtolio.com)
166. Ruby 的 "线程争用 "就是简单的 GVL 队列 Island94.org Ruby "Thread Contention" is simply GVL Queuing Island94.org (island94.org)
168. 扩展 Coreutils 项目--用 Rust 重写基础工具 Extending the Coreutils project - Rewriting base tools in Rust (uutils.github.io)
170. 使用 serde、quote、syn 和 proc_macro2 在 Rust 中实现 Kafka 协议 sans-io Using serde, quote, syn and proc_macro2 to implement the Kafka protocol sans-io in Rust (blog.tansu.io)
171. 聊天机器人软件开始面临基本限制 Chatbot Software Begins to Face Fundamental Limitations (www.quantamagazine.org)
178. 越狱 DeepSeek R1 - 使用字符编码注入提示符 Jailbreaking DeepSeek R1 - Prompt Injection Using Charcodes (substack.com)
180. linuxpdf:通过 RISC-V 仿真器在 PDF 文件内运行 Linux linuxpdf: Linux running inside a PDF file via a RISC-V emulator (github.com)
182. 人工智能科学家:实现全自动开放式科学发现 The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery (github.com)
183. 像 o3 和 R1 这样的缩放推理模型能否开启超人推理? Will Scaling Reasoning Models Like o3 and R1 Unlock Superhuman Reasoning? (scaling-reasoning.chrisbarber.co)
184. 从 "pfui "到 bevy_hui - 让 Bevy UI 更出色 From ''pfui'' to bevy_hui - make Bevy UI great (www.youtube.com)
187. 驾驭全球法规和开放源代码:美国 OFAC 制裁 Navigating Global Regulations and Open Source: US OFAC Sanctions (www.linuxfoundation.org)
188. WebAssembly 上的 Ruby on Rails,全栈浏览器之旅 Ruby on Rails on WebAssembly, the full-stack in-browser journey (web.dev)
194. 粒子、进步和坚持不懈:WebGPU 流体之旅 Particles, Progress, and Perseverance: A Journey into WebGPU Fluids (tympanus.net)
195. 用表格基础模型对小数据进行精确预测 Accurate predictions on small data with a tabular foundation model (www.nature.com)
196. 摧毁并重新编程《幽灵与妖精》的精灵引擎 Destroying and reprogramming the sprite engine of Ghosts ‘n Goblins (youtu.be)
197. 由 RUST 启发的围棋错误处理潜在简化方法 Potential RUST-inspired simplification for Go error handling (github.com)
199. 超快的目录树遍历:Haskell Streamly 超越 Rust Blazing-Fast Directory Tree Traversal: Haskell Streamly Beats Rust (www.youtube.com)
201. 已在第 8 版中发布的提名解析器组合器采用了新架构 nom parser combinators now released in version 8, with a new architecture (github.com)
203. Gamedev.city:以游戏开发为中心的链接聚合器 Gamedev.city: Game development-centric link aggregator (gamedev.city)
209. Jane Street 如何意外地为 OCaml 构建了更好的构建系统 How Jane Street accidentally built a better build system for OCaml (blog.janestreet.com)
219. Equinix Sunset、gitlab.freedesktop.org 的未来 Equinix Sunset, future of gitlab.freedesktop.org (gitlab.freedesktop.org)
220. 指针很复杂 II,或:我们需要更好的语言规范 Pointers Are Complicated II, or: We need better language specs (www.ralfj.de)
223. 我是如何使用人工智能的:认识一下我迅速雇佣的模型实习生 How I Use AI: Meet My Promptly Hired Model Intern (lucumr.pocoo.org)
229. 解编译 2024:反编译研究的复苏之年 Decompiling 2024: A Year of Resurgance in Decompilation Research (mahaloz.re)
242. 使用 pgvector 和 Next.js 构建语义电影搜索演示 Building a semantic movie search demo with pgvector and Next.js (blog.6nok.org)
244. 为什么没有树枝的树长得更快?减少代码分支的理由 Why Trees Without Branches Grow Faster: The Case for Reducing Branches in Code (cedardb.com)
246. 在中国使用 v2ray 和 Caddy 上网 Using v2ray with Caddy to Access the Internet in China (sequentialread.com)
250. 如何使用 CSS 和 JavaScript 设置 WebGL 着色器颜色 How to Set WebGL Shader Colors with CSS and JavaScript (www.nmattia.com)
251. 我们受到了一个精心策划的网络垃圾邮件发送者的攻击 We got hit by an alarmingly well-prepared phish spammer (utcc.utoronto.ca)
255. OCaml 5 的多核基于属性的测试:挑战与经验教训 Multicore Property-Based Tests for OCaml 5: Challenges and Lessons Learned (tarides.com)
264. Deepseek:引领中国人工智能竞赛的沉默巨人 Deepseek: The Quiet Giant Leading China’s AI Race (www.chinatalk.media)
267. Monorepo:如何让供应商依赖并向上游回馈? Monorepo: How to vendor dependencies and contribute back upstream? (lobste.rs)
269. Marginalia - 优先考虑非商业内容的搜索引擎 Marginalia - A search engine prioritizing non-commercial content (marginalia-search.com)
274. 在锁定状态下获取单个值的模式 A pattern for obtaining a single value while holding a lock (devblogs.microsoft.com)
278. 我们能否在不损害安全性的情况下保留传递依赖性的优势? Can We Retain the Benefits of Transitive Dependencies Without Undermining Security? (tratt.net)
279. 数据保护日:欧盟数据保护局受理的案件中仅有 1.3% 被处以罚款 Data Protection Day: Only 1.3% of cases before EU DPAs result in a fine (noyb.eu)
285. public-inbox - 一种 "档案优先 "的邮件列表方法 public-inbox - an "archives first" approach to mailing lists (public-inbox.org)
288. 使用反向图像搜索替换 Canva 设计中的图像 Image replacement in Canva designs using reverse image search (www.canva.dev)
290. 将百万支票箱扩展至 650,000,000 张支票(2024 年) Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks (2024) (eieio.games)
292. pwru:数据包,你在哪里?-- 基于 eBPF 的 Linux 内核网络调试器 pwru: Packet, where are you? -- eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger (github.com)
300. Spritely Goblins v0.15.0:浏览器中的妖精- 精灵研究所 Spritely Goblins v0.15.0: Goblins in the browser! — Spritely Institute (www.spritely.institute)