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No-Libc Zig Now Outperforms Glibc Zig (ziglang.org)
www.docker.com image
Docker Bake is Now Generally Available (www.docker.com)
getaddrinfo sucks. everything else is much worse (valentin.gosu.se)
A Brief History of Code Signing at Mozilla (hearsum.ca)
lobste.rs image
Fun Friday: what''s the weirdest automation you''ve ever made? (lobste.rs)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
polysubml-demo: A simple ML-like language with subtyping, polymorphism, higher rank types, and global type inference (github.com)
LKML: Hector Martin: [PATCH] MAINTAINERS: Remove myself (lkml.org)
docs.python.org image
CPython tail-call interpreter merged for Python 3.14 (docs.python.org)
Refined: simple refinement types for Rust (jordankaye.dev)
What the f*** is reflection? (www.youtube.com)
victoriametrics.com image
OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, and More: Which Is Better for Metrics Collection and Propagation? (victoriametrics.com)
repository-images.githubusercontent.com image
numbat: A statically typed programming language for scientific computations with first class support for physical dimensions and units (github.com)
fosdem.org image
FOSDEM 2025 - 14 Years of systemd (fosdem.org)
Subpixel Snake: The Web''s Smallest Game (www.youtube.com)
The Three Projections of Doctor Futamura (blog.sigfpe.com)
Comments on Shared Unix Hosting vs. the Cloud (oils.pub)
serce.me image
The LLM Curve of Impact on Software Engineers (serce.me)
How much instrumentation is enough / when am I done? (blog.toshokelectric.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Library sandboxing for Verona (github.com)
[OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt 24.10.0 - First Stable Release - 6. February 2025 (openwrt.org)
0reg.dev image
Llama''s Paradox - Exploiting Llama.cpp (retr0.blog)
cms.mistral.ai image
The all new le Chat: Your AI assistant for life and work Mistral AI (mistral.ai)
DOOM running on Apple Lightning to HDMI dongle (youtu.be)
hackaday.com image
A Closer Look At The Tanmatsu (hackaday.com)
blogger.googleusercontent.com image
Fabrication begins for production OpenTitan silicon (opensource.googleblog.com)
github.blog image
GitHub Copilot: The agent awakens (github.blog)
swiftlee-banners.herokuapp.com image
Parameterized tests in Swift: Reducing boilerplate code (www.avanderlee.com)
liveblocks.io image
Which rich text editor framework should you choose in 2025? (liveblocks.io)
2i2c.org image
A cheaper and faster way to deploy Binderhub (2i2c.org)
The Three Basic Rules of Safety Hygiene (jack.wrenn.fyi)
The inevitability of the borrow checker (yorickpeterse.com)
yosefk.com image
Profiling in production with function call traces (yosefk.com)
Asdf Has Been Re-Written in Golang (stratus3d.com)
static1.squarespace.com image
Just because you’re getting an index scan, doesn''t mean you can’t do better (www.pgmustard.com)
m4c.pl image
FreeBSD and hi-fi audio setup: bit-perfect, equalizer, real-time (m4c.pl)
It Is Time to Standardize Principles and Practices for Software Memory Safety – Communications of the ACM (cacm.acm.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Hotline for modern Apple systems (github.com)
How to Influence Query Planning in Postgresql (chriskiehl.com)
www.ruder.io image
The Evolving Landscape of LLM Evaluation (www.ruder.io)
Counter-Strike analytics with Bevy and React (youtu.be)
Versioning versus Coordination (brooker.co.za)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Implementation of a RingBuffer in Java with optional FIFO like semantics (github.com)
Collaborative Text Editing with Eg-Walker (www.youtube.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
comic-web-markup: Comic-web is a markup language for describing comics, as well as a rendering engine for this language (github.com)
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zasper: Fastest and Most Efficient IDE to run Jupyter Notebooks (github.com)
storage.googleapis.com image
Gemini 2.0 is now available to everyone (blog.google)
cdn.sanity.io image
Go Supply Chain Attack: Malicious Package Exploits Go Module (socket.dev)
Puzzmo — The place for thoughtful puzzles (puzzmo.com)
Rewriting Slipshow in OCaml: The undo-able monad (choum.net)
A painless guide to CRC error detection algorithms (1993) (www.ross.net)
cdn.arstechnica.net image
Framework ships RISC-V board for its 13" laptops along with "boardless" laptop chassis (arstechnica.com)
Spritely Institute - Decentralized Networking Technology (spritely.institute)
img-cdn.tnwcdn.com image
The developer of SerenityOS is challenging the browser duopoly (thenextweb.com)
corca.io image
Corca: Collaborative Math Editor (corca.io)
lucumr.pocoo.org image
Fat Rand: How Many Lines Do You Need To Generate A Random Number? (lucumr.pocoo.org)
labs.watchtowr.com image
Supply chain security and the danger of abandoned S3 buckets (labs.watchtowr.com)
No-Panic Rust: A Nice Technique for Systems Programming (blog.reverberate.org)
osservatorionessuno.org image
How to configure multiple Tor relays on the same interface with different IPs (osservatorionessuno.org)
Seeking Support After Equinix Metal Sunsets (alpinelinux.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
clr: Checker for Lifetimes and other Refinement types (github.com)
"GOT0 Considered Harmful” Considered Harmful (1987) (web.archive.org)
Operational and Denotational Strategies for Understanding Code (noelwelsh.com)
Retaking The Web Browser, One Small Step At A Time (andregarzia.com)
Running Private DeepSeek R1 with Verifiable Security (tinfoil.sh)
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Lisa: Production-quality expert-system shell (github.com)
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AMD: Microcode Signature Verification Vulnerability (github.com)
dri.es image
Generating image descriptions and alt-text with AI (dri.es)
PanGui - A cross-platform UI library with a razor sharp focus on performance, simplicity and expressive power (pangui.io)
Disassembling a binary: linear sweep and recursive traversal (nicolo.dev)
bear-images.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com image
Pinning Down "Future Is Not Send" Errors (emschwartz.me)
Optimizing with Novel Calendrical Algorithms (jhpratt.dev)
Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression (dl.acm.org)
Perfect is the enemy of good (medv.io)
RUSTSEC-2025-0004: openssl: ssl::select_next_proto use after free (rustsec.org)
static.simonwillison.net image
A selfish personal argument for releasing code as Open Source (simonwillison.net)
s0.wp.com image
freedoms-for-who, revisited briefly (lu.is)
Nix: string interpolation of directories gone awry (fzakaria.com)
A caveat with statically linked language runtimes (thinkingeek.com)
blog.danslimmon.com image
Incident SEV scales are a waste of time (blog.danslimmon.com)
Designing your Data: The Bread & Butter of APL Performance by Aaron Hsu (www.youtube.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Scripts to help setup llms tools easily from fosdem (github.com)
lh6.googleusercontent.com image
Hollywood: split a computer console into multiple panes of genuine technical melodrama (a.hollywood.computer)
timsh.org image
Everyone knows your location: tracking myself down through in-app ads (timsh.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
par: experimental concurrent language with an interactive playground (github.com)
5 Python Details and their Consequences (youtu.be)
lobste.rs image
What software do you dream about, but do not have time to code yourself? (lobste.rs)
jasonbrownlee.me image
For Sale: Binaries Compiled From Hand-Crafted Artisanal Code (jasonbrownlee.me)
Eat your greens - A philosophy for language design (www.youtube.com)
Unexpected Benefits of Building Your Own Tools (tiniuc.com)
lewiscampbell.tech image
Safety in Programming Languages is a Means to an End (lewiscampbell.tech)
TAI64 in the wild is (sometimes) not TAI (blog.dave.tf)
lobste.rs image
Allow Necromancy: To Avoid Reposts, Enable Comments on Old Posts (lobste.rs)
lh3.googleusercontent.com image
The origin and unexpected evolution of the word "mainframe" (www.righto.com)
Ruby "Thread Contention" is simply GVL Queuing Island94.org (island94.org)
swlody.dev image
Revisiting random number generation (swlody.dev)
Extending the Coreutils project - Rewriting base tools in Rust (uutils.github.io)
swift.org image
The Next Chapter in Swift Build Technologies (swift.org)
Using serde, quote, syn and proc_macro2 to implement the Kafka protocol sans-io in Rust (blog.tansu.io)
www.quantamagazine.org image
Chatbot Software Begins to Face Fundamental Limitations (www.quantamagazine.org)
i0.wp.com image
Hell Is Overconfident Developers Writing Encryption Code (soatok.blog)
www.masterzen.fr image
Designing a keyboard from scratch (www.masterzen.fr)
phiresky.github.io image
Visualizing all books of the world in ISBN-Space (phiresky.github.io)
Blazing-fast IoT data pipeline for infrared monitoring (s2.dev)
Jailbreaking DeepSeek R1 - Prompt Injection Using Charcodes (substack.com)
uscope: A New Debugger and Introspection Toolchain (www.calabro.io)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
linuxpdf: Linux running inside a PDF file via a RISC-V emulator (github.com)
Designing Great Watchdog Timers for Embedded Systems (www.ganssle.com)
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The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery (github.com)
scaling-reasoning.chrisbarber.co image
Will Scaling Reasoning Models Like o3 and R1 Unlock Superhuman Reasoning? (scaling-reasoning.chrisbarber.co)
www.linuxfoundation.org image
Navigating Global Regulations and Open Source: US OFAC Sanctions (www.linuxfoundation.org)
web.dev image
Ruby on Rails on WebAssembly, the full-stack in-browser journey (web.dev)
kubamartin.com image
Jujutsu VCS Introduction and Patterns (kubamartin.com)
gamehistory.org image
The VGHF Library opens in early access (gamehistory.org)
codrops-1f606.kxcdn.com image
Particles, Progress, and Perseverance: A Journey into WebGPU Fluids (tympanus.net)
media.springernature.com image
Accurate predictions on small data with a tabular foundation model (www.nature.com)
Destroying and reprogramming the sprite engine of Ghosts ‘n Goblins (youtu.be)
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Potential RUST-inspired simplification for Go error handling (github.com)
miro.medium.com image
Byte Queue Limits: the unauthorized biography (medium.com)
Blazing-Fast Directory Tree Traversal: Haskell Streamly Beats Rust (www.youtube.com)
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nom parser combinators now released in version 8, with a new architecture (github.com)
Gamedev.city: Game development-centric link aggregator (gamedev.city)
purplesyringa.moe image
Falsehoods programmers believe about null pointers (purplesyringa.moe)
blog.janestreet.com image
How Jane Street accidentally built a better build system for OCaml (blog.janestreet.com)
Contracts for C explained in 5 minutes (timur.audio)
pythonspeed.com image
The surprising way to save memory with BytesIO (pythonspeed.com)
Practical Pigment Mixing for Digital Painting (2021) (scrtwpns.com)
Ranking Programming Languages by Energy Efficiency (haslab.github.io)
blog.pypi.org image
PyPI Now Supports Project Archival (blog.pypi.org)
Pointers Are Complicated II, or: We need better language specs (www.ralfj.de)
History of APL in the USSR (dl.acm.org)
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Perforator - cluster-wide continous profiling tool (github.com)
mahaloz.re image
Decompiling 2024: A Year of Resurgance in Decompilation Research (mahaloz.re)
letsencrypt.org image
Ending Support for Expiration Notification Emails (letsencrypt.org)
blog.sigplan.org image
Parametric Subtyping for Structural Parametric Polymorphism (blog.sigplan.org)
Senders/Receivers: An Introduction (accu.org)
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keymapper: A cross-platform context-aware key remapper (github.com)
blog.6nok.org image
Building a semantic movie search demo with pgvector and Next.js (blog.6nok.org)
cedardb.com image
Why Trees Without Branches Grow Faster: The Case for Reducing Branches in Code (cedardb.com)
sequentialread.com image
Using v2ray with Caddy to Access the Internet in China (sequentialread.com)
Portal flow brings it all together (30fps.net)
images.prismic.io image
Things you might not need in your tests (thoughtbot.com)
media2.dev.to image
You''re thinking about passkeys wrong (dev.to)
MLX — Distributed Computing for Apple Silicon (ml-explore.github.io)
tarides.com image
Multicore Property-Based Tests for OCaml 5: Challenges and Lessons Learned (tarides.com)
A Modern Compiler for the French Tax Code (inria.hal.science)
Statistical Process Control: Practitioner''s Guide (entropicthoughts.com)
My history with Forth & stack machines (yosefk.com)
block.github.io image
Introducing codename goose (block.github.io)
www.ruder.io image
Deep Learning for NLP Best Practices (www.ruder.io)
arcan-fe.com image
Sunsetting Cursed Terminal Emulation (arcan-fe.com)
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Monorepo: How to vendor dependencies and contribute back upstream? (lobste.rs)
Marginalia - A search engine prioritizing non-commercial content (marginalia-search.com)
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Limited Run Games violated GPL releasing Tomba! game (github.com)
But what is a lifetime - thinking of lifetimes as regions of memory (youtu.be)
devblogs.microsoft.com image
A pattern for obtaining a single value while holding a lock (devblogs.microsoft.com)
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Daily command-line ablutions (lobste.rs)
zverok.space image
Seven things I know after 25 years of development (zverok.space)
Can We Retain the Benefits of Transitive Dependencies Without Undermining Security? (tratt.net)
noyb.eu image
Data Protection Day: Only 1.3% of cases before EU DPAs result in a fine (noyb.eu)
public-inbox - an "archives first" approach to mailing lists (public-inbox.org)
flatt.tech image
Clone2Leak: Your Git Credentials Belong To Us (flatt.tech)
www.canva.dev image
Image replacement in Canva designs using reverse image search (www.canva.dev)
eieio.games image
Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks (2024) (eieio.games)
Building personal software with Claude (blog.nelhage.com)
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pwru: Packet, where are you? -- eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger (github.com)
swlody.dev image
really really good random number generator (rrgrng) (swlody.dev)
Spritely Goblins v0.15.0: Goblins in the browser! — Spritely Institute (www.spritely.institute)