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Rook’s Law: There’s Always a Limit (nigeltao.github.io)
3 important things I overlooked during code reviews (www.piglei.com)
miro.medium.com image
Raw flux streams and obscure formats: Further work around imaging 5.25-inch floppy disks (digitalpreservation-blog.lib.cam.ac.uk)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Randar Explanation and Information (github.com)
www.phoronix.net image
Ubuntu 24.04 yields a 20% advantage over Windows 11 on Ryzen7 Framework laptop (www.phoronix.com)
dl.acm.org image
Formal Mechanised Semantics of CHERI C: Capabilities, Undefined Behaviour, and Provenance (dl.acm.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
cronometro: Simple benchmarking suite powered by HDR histograms (github.com)
astral.sh image
Ruff v0.4.0: a hand-written recursive descent parser for Python (astral.sh)
nadim.computer image
We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop (nadim.computer)
labs.nettitude.com image
CVE-2024-20356: Jailbreaking a Cisco appliance to run DOOM (labs.nettitude.com)
proofcraft.systems image
seL4 on AArch64 is now verified for functional correctness (proofcraft.systems)
Make your own backdoor: CFLAGS code injection, Makefile injection, pkg-config (www.openwall.com)
electricui.com image
A deep dive into Single Pair Ethernet (electricui.com)
Full-text search of the OpenBSD manual pages (man.ifconfig.se)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Deep Dive into Rspack & Webpack Tree Shaking (github.com)
Advanced Memory Management in Vale (youtu.be)
www.bleepstatic.com image
Palo Alto Networks zero-day exploited since March to backdoor firewalls (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
blog.pypi.org image
PyPI: Expanding Trusted Publisher Support (blog.pypi.org)
Solving the minimum cut problem for undirected graphs (research.google)
images.unsplash.com image
Java 23: The New Features are Officially Announced (coderoasis.com)
claroty.com image
Unpacking the Blackjack Group's Fuxnet Malware (claroty.com)
AI Index Report 2024 – Artificial Intelligence Index (aiindex.stanford.edu)
drewsh.com image
Participating in the Spring Lisp Game jam, why and how (drewsh.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Collection of notebooks showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude (github.com)
Use Cases for Merging and Splitting Partitions With Minimal Locking in PostgreSQL 17 (andyatkinson.com)
The BLISS programming language: a history (2002) (www.cs.tufts.edu)
Ten years of improvements in PostgreSQL's optimizer (rmarcus.info)
dynogee.com image
Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things (tonsky.me)
arxiv.org image
Megalodon: Efficient LLM Pretraining and Inference with Unlimited Context Length (arxiv.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
gcloud-lite lightweight Google Cloud Platform CLI distro (github.com)
Cute trick for fetch-and-add-based queues (outerproduct.net)
The legal rule that computers are presumed to be operating correctly – unforeseen and unjust consequences (2022) (www.benthamsgaze.org)
blogger.googleusercontent.com image
Why OpenSSL punycode vulnerability CVE-2022-3602 was not detected by fuzz testing (allsoftwaresucks.blogspot.com)
1048005018-files.gitbook.io image
Telegram Arbitrary Code Execution via InstantView | TeleSec (www.telesec.top)
wolvic.com image
VR Browser Wolvic Switches from Gecko to Chromium (wolvic.com)
Trying Out Cloudflare's `foundations` Library for Rust (cprimozic.net)
Measuring your system’s performance using software (Go edition) (lemire.me)
static.cambridge.org image
Knuth–Morris–Pratt illustrated (www.cambridge.org)
Apple’s Mysterious Fisheye Projection (blog.mikeswanson.com)
static-www.elastic.co image
Elastic Universal Profiling agent, a continuous profiling solution, is now open source (www.elastic.co)
Locally Perfect Spatial Hashing (haug.codes)
The origin and virtues of semicolons in programming languages (ntietz.com)
Root Cause vs. Contributing Factors (felipe.rs)
Beware of base64 encoded strings (garrit.xyz)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Neverest, a CLI to synchronize, backup and restore emails (github.com)
Sandboxing All The Things with Flatpak and BubbleBox (www.ralfj.de)
discourse.haskell.org image
Call for early adopters of Sel, Botan and one-time-password (discourse.haskell.org)
blogger.googleusercontent.com image
Getting started with sched-ext development (arighi.blogspot.com)
Control and Autofocus Software for Chip-Level Microscopy (www.bunniestudios.com)
dev.to image
Getting started with ActivityPub (dev.to)
i0.wp.com image
Elegance: The Undervalued System Requirement (systemsapproach.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
A powerful CLI for creating and managing PrivateBin pastes with ease (github.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
WireViz: Easily document cables and wiring harnesses (github.com)
DB Indexes Do Not Magically Compose (rtpg.co)
hackaday.com image
Linux Fu: Getting Started With Systemd (hackaday.com)
Power Hungry Processing: Watts Driving the Cost of AI Deployment? (arxiv.org)
0xda.de image
Can You Grok It - Hacking Together Your Own Dev Tunnel Service (0xda.de)
git.bunk.computer image
bunkchat: local-only chat for tilde servers written in posix sh (git.bunk.computer)
Why `streaming` Is My Favourite Haskell Streaming Library (jackkelly.name)
tree-shaking, the horticulturally misguided algorithm — wingolog (wingolog.org)
blog.allegro.tech image
Ten Years and Counting: My Affair with Microservices (blog.allegro.tech)
illya.sh image
zkSNARKs & zkSTARKs: A Novel Verifiable Computation Model (illya.sh)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
doceaser: Interactive documentation with Markdown and HTMX made easier (github.com)
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Minimal Kotlin and Nix flake example (with Gradle 8 support) (github.com)
Go performance from version 1.0 to 1.22 (benhoyt.com)
media.kasperskycontenthub.com image
Kaspersky analysis of the backdoor in XZ (securelist.com)
Identifying and Correcting Programming Language Behavior Misconceptions (cs.brown.edu)
Setting up PostgreSQL for running integration tests (gajus.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Backport of .NET 2.0 - 3.5 to Windows 95 (github.com)
Cipherleaks is the first demonstrated attack against AMD SEV-SNP (cipherleaks.com)
“Tear”able Puns, and Worse Ideas: A Minimally Thread-Safe Cell (shift.click)
devenv.sh image
Fast, Declarative, Reproduble and Composable Developer Environments using Nix (devenv.sh)
DOCSIS 3.1 -4.0 Decoded: Unleashing High-Speed Internet for IT Pros (www.youtube.com)
quickwit.io image
A math puzzle and a better algorithm for top-k (quickwit.io)
s3.amazonaws.com image
Abstract methods and NotImplementedError in Ruby (nithinbekal.com)
bugs.launchpad.net image
Ubuntu bug “CIFS stopped working with kernel update...” (bugs.launchpad.net)
Improve performance of you Rust functions by const currying (blog.cocl2.com)
greptime.com image
Fivefold Slower Compared to Go? Optimizing Rust's Protobuf Decoding Performance (www.greptime.com)
i0.wp.com image
The Simple Beauty of XOR Floating Point Compression (clemenswinter.com)
Why is there no realloc that takes the number of bytes to copy? (shift.click)
opentofu.org image
Our Response to Hashicorp's Cease and Desist Letter | OpenTofu (opentofu.org)
assets-global.website-files.com image
Ushering in the Thermodynamic Future - Litepaper (www.extropic.ai)
ohmygit.org image
Learn git through playing a game (ohmygit.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Hermit is a hermetic and reproducible sandbox for running programs (github.com)
Quantum Algorithms for Lattice Problems (eprint.iacr.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
zk: A plain text note-taking assistant (github.com)
imagedelivery.net image
Building PostgreSQL Extensions: Dropping Extensions and Cleanup (www.crunchydata.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
crystalruby gem: Embed Crystal code directly in Ruby (github.com)
media.dev.to image
TempLang - FE event routing and elements in an abbreviated form (dev.to)
blocksandfiles.com image
iXsystems: No one is being 'marooned' by Debian focus (blocksandfiles.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Interactive visualization and analytics on ADS-B data with ClickHouse (github.com)
A Real-World Law-Enforcement Breach of End-to-End Encrypted Messaging (www.youtube.com)
CS 4560 guest lecture: Ladybird browser development (www.youtube.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
eslint-plugin-paths: A plugin for ESLint, to force use paths aliases from tsconfig over relative paths (github.com)
Shell History Is Your Best Productivity Tool (martinheinz.dev)
www.rust-lang.org image
Rust - Security advisory for the standard library (CVE-2024-24576) (blog.rust-lang.org)
How can Rust be so fast in the TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks? (kerkour.com)
csvbase.com image
Client libraries are better when they have no API (csvbase.com)
avatars.githubusercontent.com image
Flow-IPC gets open-sourced (zero-copy IPC via Cap'n Proto, in modern C++) (github.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
PILOT: Ping-based Information Lookup and Outbound Transfer (github.com)
Delimited Continuations, Demystified (2023) (www.youtube.com)
flatt.tech image
BatBadBut: You can't securely execute commands on Windows (flatt.tech)
my deployment platform is a shell script (j3s.sh)
InSpectre Gadget: Inspecting the Residual Attack Surface of Cross-privilege Spectre v2 (www.vusec.net)
Design is not recoverable from implementation (ericnormand.substack.com)
s3.amazonaws.com image
Max Datom - Interactive Datomic Tutorial (max-datom.com)
The Open Secret about Confidential Computing (stiankri.substack.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
BZIP2: Format Specification (github.com)
images.ctfassets.net image
The Distribution Problem: what's wrong with internal CAs (and what to do about it) (anchor.dev)
ftt-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com image
Announcing the Open Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration Project (freedom-to-tinker.com)
Discrete logic network card (qdiv.dev)
repository-images.githubusercontent.com image
Ratarmount: Access large archives as a filesystem efficiently (github.com)
UpNote v9: Cross platform cloud note app with scheduled offline backup and restore in Markdown format (getupnote.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Linux USB Wi-Fi Compatibility & Performance Knowledge Base (github.com)
lh6.googleusercontent.com image
exFAT vs. UDF 2.01 cross-platform and performance tests (2018) (www.sami-lehtinen.net)
Don't require people to change 'source code' to configure your programs (utcc.utoronto.ca)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
SSSL - Hackless SSL bypass for the Wii U (github.com)
How I Tripped Over the Debian Weak Keys Vulnerability (www.hezmatt.org)
repository-images.githubusercontent.com image
melt: Backup and restore Ed25519 SSH keys with seed words (github.com)
TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression (bellard.org)
phaven-prod.s3.amazonaws.com image
Overloading gen-class methods of glorious types with sublime nation of clojure for make great benefit of interop (pb.co.za)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
compile-time-init-build: C++ library for composing modular firmware at compile-time (github.com)
archive.org image
CloudABI: Cloud computing meets fine-grained capabilities (2016) (archive.org)
Reading local variables with bpftrace (dxuuu.xyz)
www.willem.dev image
Prevent sensitive data from leaking in Go/Golang (www.willem.dev)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
reverst: Reverse Tunnels in Go over HTTP/3 and QUIC (github.com)
A 2-Axis, Multihead Light Positioner (www.bunniestudios.com)
discourse.haskell.org image
Haskell Security Response Team - 2024 January–March report (discourse.haskell.org)
It's getting hard to use and recommend Firefox, I'm afraid for the free web (ntietz.com)
blog.orhun.dev image
Exploring Open Source Funding: Ratatui's Journey (blog.orhun.dev)
asciinema.org image
A TODO that lives inside your REPL (asciinema.org)
grossack.site image
37 is the median value for the second prime factor of an integer (grossack.site)
Just How Much Faster Are the GNOME 46 Terminals? (bxt.rs)
bkardell.com image
The Blessing of the Strings (bkardell.com)
repository-images.githubusercontent.com image
localslackirc: IRC gateway for slack, running on localhost for one user (github.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Kyoo: A portable and vast media library solution (github.com)
abhinavsarkar.net image
Solving Advent of Code ’23 “Aplenty” by Compiling (abhinavsarkar.net)
repository-images.githubusercontent.com image
Kanidm: Simple and Secure Identity Management (github.com)
screenshots.jamesg.blog image
Learning lower-level programming (jamesg.blog)
i.ytimg.com image
i’m building a better fortnite. ask me how (youtube.com)
arxiv.org image
Training LLMs over Neurally Compressed Text (arxiv.org)
Reversing a Mystery Function (xorvoid.com)