12. 鏟子--正在進行中的高密度脂蛋白,不會讓你想拔掉頭髮 spade - A work in progress HDL that doesn''t make you want to pull your hair out (gitlab.com)
24. Leslie Lamport 在 SCALE 22x 上的閉幕主題演講:編碼不是編程 Closing Keynote with Leslie Lamport at SCALE 22x: Coding isn''t programming (www.socallinuxexpo.org)
28. Btrfs 添加快速/實時 Zstd 壓縮及其他性能優化功能 Btrfs Adding Fast/Realtime Zstd Compression & Other Performance Optimizations (www.phoronix.com)
32. k8s Ingress NGINX 中的 RCE 漏洞(針對 ingress-nginx 的 9.8 CVE) RCE Vulnerabilities in k8s Ingress NGINX (9.8 CVE for ingress-nginx) (www.wiz.io)
39. Triforce:用於蘋果硅筆記本電腦的麥克風陣列波束形成器 Triforce: a microphone array beamformer for Apple Silicon laptops (crates.io)
40. 使用 ECS 複製在 Bevy 中聯網(使用 Rust) Networking in Bevy with ECS Replication (using Rust) (www.youtube.com)
41. 基於 CSS 的 NoJS 反 BOT 網絡應用程序防火牆(概念驗證) A CSS-based NoJS Anti-BOT Web Application Firewall (Proof of Concept) (github.com)
42. 全息圖、漏光以及如何構建純 CSS 著色器 Holograms, light-leaks and how to build CSS-only shaders (robbowen.digital)
43. 每個人都用錯誤的方式引用命令行參數(在 Windows 上) Everyone quotes command line arguments the wrong way (on Windows) (learn.microsoft.com)
49. GPSTracker:谷歌地圖時間軸的自託管 FOSS 替代方案 GPSTracker: A self-hosted FOSS alternative to Google Maps Timeline (blog.fabiomanganiello.com)
53. Fastrace:用 Rust 進行分佈式跟蹤的現代方法 FastLabs / 博客 Fastrace: A Modern Approach to Distributed Tracing in Rust FastLabs / Blog (fast.github.io)
54. basedpyright:pright fork,改進了各種類型檢查功能 Basedpyright: pyright fork with various type checking improvements (docs.basedpyright.com)
55. Figma 不是設計工具,而是避免代碼的 Rube Goldberg 機器 Figma’s not a design tool — it’s a Rube Goldberg machine for avoiding code (uxdesign.cc)
58. 探索 Ruby Ractors -- 我花錢買了 10 個核心,我就要用 10 個核心 Exploring Ruby Ractors -- I paid for for 10 cores I''m gonna use 10 cores (jpterry.com)
63. landrun:使用 Landlock 在安全、無特權的沙箱中運行任何 Linux 進程 landrun: Run any Linux process in a secure, unprivileged sandbox using Landlock (github.com)
69. 朋友不會讓朋友用 Python 編寫生產軟件 Friends don''t let friends write production software in Python (dustri.org)
74. ClickHaskell-0.2:2 週年預穩定版 ClickHaskell-0.2: 2 Years Anniversary pre-stable releas (discourse.haskell.org)
83. 類型化函數式語言決策者指南》,作者 Evan Czaplicki A decision maker''s guide to Typed Functional Languages by Evan Czaplicki (youtu.be)
87. 是什麼影響了開發人員對採用人工智能輔助編碼工具的信任? What influences developers'' trust in adopting AI-assisted coding tools? (rdel.substack.com)
88. 增強 Git 工作流程的 Emacs 自定義 VC 功能 Custom VC-Focused Emacs Functions to Enhance My Git Workflow (www.rahuljuliato.com)
92. 為什麼人們默認前端和用戶界面使用 React 和 JavaScript? Why do people default to React and JavaScript for frontend and UIs? (lobste.rs)
94. pussh:用 Bash 編寫的基於 SSH 的簡單部署工具 pussh: A simple SSH-based deployment tool written in Bash (github.com)
99. 利用內容分塊對文件備份服務進行分塊攻擊 Chunking Attacks on File Backup Services using Content-Defined Chunking (www.daemonology.net)
103. 俳句愛 Nvidia(移植 Nvidia GPU 驅動程序) Haiku loves Nvidia (porting Nvidia GPU driver) (discuss.haiku-os.org)
105. 微軟為 Linux 內核提議 "大黃蜂 "安全模塊 Microsoft Proposes "Hornet" Security Module For The Linux Kernel (www.phoronix.com)
106. 在 Linux 上刪除 /lib 時仍通過 ssh 進行連接 When you deleted /lib on Linux while still connected via ssh (tinyhack.com)
107. 硬件感知編碼:每個開發人員都應瞭解的 CPU 架構概念 Hardware-Aware Coding: CPU Architecture Concepts Every Developer Should Know (blog.codingconfessions.com)
108. 在線調查中的一個小故障是如何將 "是 "字替換成 "叉 "字的 How a glitch in an online survey replaced the word ‘yes’ with ‘forks’ (www.pewresearch.org)
111. Shaarli:個人、簡約、超快、免費數據庫書籤服務 Shaarli: personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service (github.com)
114. 如何在 windows、macos 和 Linux 之間共享鼠標、鍵盤和顯示器? How to share mouse, keyboard, and monitors between windows, macos, and Linux? (lobste.rs)
116. retroboy:用 Rust 編寫的遊戲男孩模擬器,可在網絡上運行 retroboy: A Game Boy emulator written in Rust that runs on the web (github.com)
117. pow-bot-deterrent:基於工作證明的殭屍威懾 pow-bot-deterrent: A proof-of-work based bot deterrent (github.com)
120. Torch Lens Maker - 基於 PyTorch 的可微分幾何光學庫 Torch Lens Maker - library for differentiable geometric optics based on PyTorch (victorpoughon.github.io)
121. 為 Zulip 開源團隊聊天設計靈活的權限 Engineering flexible permissions for Zulip open-source team chat (blog.zulip.com)
123. 關於在舊 Mac 筆記本電腦上安裝操作系統的建議? Recommendations for an OS to install on an old Mac laptop? (lobste.rs)
124. 瞭解在 TypeScript 中註解函數類型的各種語法 Understanding various syntaxes to annotate a function''s type in TypeScript (bhoot.dev)
125. Apache Tomcat CVE-2025-24813:您需要了解的內容 Apache Tomcat CVE-2025-24813: What You Need to Know (www.rapid7.com)
126. IPv6 設計中的失誤和錯失的機會(第 1 集) The mistakes and missed opportunities in the design of IPv6 (episode 1) (ipv6.hanazo.no)
129. 歐盟迫使蘋果向第三方開發者開放通知和其他 iOS 功能 EU forces Apple to open up notifications and other iOS features to third-party developers (mezha.media)
130. mocktail:針對 Rust 的 HTTP 和 gRPC 服務器模擬 mocktail: HTTP & gRPC server mocking for Rust (danclark.io)
132. Chimera Linux 終究不會放棄對 RISC-V 的支持 Chimera Linux NOT dropping RISC-V support after all (chimera-linux.org)
133. Hyper-MCP - Rust 中的 MCP 服務器,帶有由 WebAssembly 和 OCI 註冊表驅動的插件系統 Hyper-MCP - MCP server in Rust with plugin system powered by WebAssembly and OCI registry (github.com)
134. PeanoScript:TypeScript 但它是一個定理證明器 PeanoScript: TypeScript but it''s a theorem prover (peanoscript.mjgrzymek.com)
136. 澄清 Mozilla 正在發生的事情:採訪來自 Thunderbird 的 Ryan Sipes Clarifying what''s happening at Mozilla: an Interview with Ryan Sipes from Thunderbird (www.youtube.com)
141. 將我的 ESP32 變成 DNS 天坑,以對抗末日滾動 Turning my ESP32 into a DNS sinkhole to fight doomscrolling (amanvir.com)
142. oscura-vim:用於 Vscode 的 Oscura 主題的 Vim 移植 oscura-vim: Vim port for Oscura theme for Vscode (github.com)
151. Rustdoc 合併了穩定版上的 doctests(已解決)問題 Rustdoc merged doctests (solved) issue on stable (blog.guillaume-gomez.fr)
153. 介紹 GREASE:發現二進制代碼中隱藏漏洞的開源工具 Introducing GREASE: An Open-Source Tool for Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Binary Code (www.galois.com)
154. NixOS 和可重現的構建如何檢測到 xz 後門,讓所有人受益 How NixOS and reproducible builds could have detected the xz backdoorfor the benefit of all (luj.fr)
155. 為 GCC 15.1 合併新一輪 Rust 編譯器改進 Another round of Rust compiler improvements merged for GCC 15.1 (www.phoronix.com)
156. 用 Perl 構建世界上第二差的 ZX Spectrum 仿真器 Building the Second-Worst ZX Spectrum Emulator in the World with Perl (fuzzix.org)
157. HealthyIG:沒有卷軸、主頁、探索頁面等有毒功能的 Instagram HealthyIG: Instagram without all the toxic features like reels, home page, explore page (github.com)
160. CVE-2024-9956 - 在所有移動瀏覽器中接管 PassKey 帳戶 CVE-2024-9956 - PassKey Account Takeover in All Mobile Browsers (mastersplinter.work)
166. 介紹 WEBCAT:基於網絡的代碼保證和透明度 Introducing WEBCAT: Web-based Code Assurance and Transparency (securedrop.org)
168. 為什麼 Windows 95 設置不使用微型版的 Windows 95 作為備用圖形用戶界面? Why didn''t Windows 95 setup use a miniature version of Windows 95 as its fallback GUI? (devblogs.microsoft.com)
173. 給 C 標準委員會成員的關於配置文件和安全性的說明 Note to the C standards committee members on profiles and safety (www.open-std.org)
183. QuickBench:針對 CPU、內存和存儲的零依賴 Linux 基準測試 QuickBench: A Zero-Dependency Linux Benchmark for CPU, Memory, and Storage (github.com)
184. 如何在 2025 年 3 月加快 Rust 編譯器的運行速度 How to speed up the Rust compiler in March 2025 (nnethercote.github.io)
186. 圖靈獎特輯對話傑克-東格拉 Turing Award Special: A Conversation with Jack Dongarra (softwareengineeringdaily.com)
187. 貝爾實驗室在計算機發展史上的無名英雄(2012 年) Bell Labs'' Unsung Heros in the History of Computing (2012) (dobbse.net)
188. 編程語言簡史》(A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages)(2009 年 A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages (2009) (james-iry.blogspot.com)
191. Asahi Lina 暫停蘋果 GPU Linux 驅動程序開發工作 Asahi Lina Pausing Work On Apple GPU Linux Driver Development (www.phoronix.com)
198. 在 ClickHouse 的十億 JSON 文檔基準測試中,GreptimeDB 的冷運行性能遙遙領先 GreptimeDB Leads in Cold Run Performance on ClickHouse’s billion JSON doc benchmark (greptime.com)
199. Fedora Silverblue 中的分段迴歸 [2024] Bisecting Regressions in Fedora Silverblue [2024] (enblog.eischmann.cz)
202. 為什麼 SNES 硬件的運行速度比預期的要快--為什麼這是個問題? Why SNES hardware is running faster than expected—and why it’s a problem (arstechnica.com)
205. OpenTimes:美國人口普查地理區域之間的自由旅行時間 OpenTimes: Free travel times between U.S. Census geographies (sno.ws)
210. 六邊形及其他:靈活、響應式網格模式,無媒體查詢 (2021) Hexagons and Beyond: Flexible, Responsive Grid Patterns, Sans Media Queries (2021) (css-tricks.com)
211. 我不認為錯誤處理是語言設計中已經解決的問題 I don''t think error handling is a solved problem in language design (utcc.utoronto.ca)
213. 為什麼我不再與架構師談論微服務? Why I''m No Longer Talking to Architects About Microservices (blog.container-solutions.com)
221. 如何在軟件項目中有效跟蹤和記錄已知問題 How to Track and Document Known Issues Effectively in Software Projects (l.idaszak.com)
227. 使用 3 個 YubiKeys 和 ARM 單板計算機的離線 PKI Offline PKI using 3 YubiKeys and an ARM single board computer (vincent.bernat.ch)
230. 我在其中解釋了為什麼 Emacs 是 WordPress 的最佳工具 Wherein I Explain Why Emacs Is The Best Tool For WordPress (lars.ingebrigtsen.no)
231. 時隔 47 年,OpenVMS 再添軟件包管理器 (VSP) After 47 years, OpenVMS gets a package manager (VSP) (raymii.org)
232. Linux 二進制兼容性的糟糕現狀及解決之道 The Atrocious State Of Binary Compatibility on Linux and How To Address It (jangafx.com)
234. 密碼重複使用現象猖獗:近一半被觀察到的用戶登錄密碼被洩露 Password reuse is rampant: nearly half of observed user logins are compromised (blog.cloudflare.com)
239. 像 90 年代一樣繞過身份驗證--Kentico Xperience CMS 中的預授權 RCE 鏈 Bypassing Authentication Like It’s The ‘90s - Pre-Auth RCE Chain(s) in Kentico Xperience CMS (labs.watchtowr.com)
240. 英特爾 高級性能擴展(英特爾 APX)介紹 Introducing Intel Advanced Performance Extensions (Intel APX) (www.intel.com)
242. 在 Mac 上安裝 sassc Ruby gem。調試故事 Installing the sassc Ruby gem on a Mac. A debugging story (www.schneems.com)
255. Zest:為可塑性和可讀性系統設計的編程語言 Zest: a programming language for malleable and legible systems (github.com)
259. 走進 Git 新 bundle-uri 的兔子洞 Going down the rabbit hole of Git''s new bundle-uri (blog.gitbutler.com)
268. 文件:法國政府的開源協作筆記、維基和文檔平臺 Docs: Open-source collaborative notes, wiki, and documentation platform by the French government (docs.numerique.gouv.fr)
269. open-ui:維護用戶界面的開放標準,並促進其遵守和採用 open-ui: Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption (github.com)
272. 與 iOS 和 macOS 沙盒共度漫漫長夜(2018 年) A long evening with iOS and macOS Sandbox (2018) (web.archive.org)
273. 上下文切換與性能:每個開發人員都應瞭解的知識 Context Switching and Performance: What Every Developer Should Know (blog.codingconfessions.com)
275. Git 2.49 發佈,打包速度更快,新增 Rust 外語界面 Git 2.49 released with faster packing, Rust foreign language interface (www.phoronix.com)
276. 攻擊者複製了 GitHub 項目,添加了假星和惡意代碼 Attacker Copied GitHub Project, Added Fake Stars and Malicious Code (www.reddit.com)
281. DEC Professional 380 的更多專業功能(具有 PRO/VENIX 功能) More pro for the DEC Professional 380 (featuring PRO/VENIX) (oldvcr.blogspot.com)
282. Mojo 可能是幾十年來最大的編程語言進步 Mojo may be the biggest programming language advance in decades (www.fast.ai)
285. 恢復 modprobe_path 技術:克服 search_binary_handler() 補丁 Reviving the modprobe_path Technique: Overcoming search_binary_handler() Patch (blog.theori.io)
298. 熱門 GitHub 操作 tj-actions/changed-files 已被入侵 Popular GitHub Action tj-actions/changed-files is compromised (www.stepsecurity.io)