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数据来源: 该页面支持的版本: 该页面支持的语言: 订阅地址: 社交媒体: 最后更新于: 2025-03-25T22:29:26.533+08:00   查看统计
gitlab.com image
spade - A work in progress HDL that doesn''t make you want to pull your hair out (gitlab.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Open-sourcing OpenPubkey SSH (github.com)
i0.wp.com image
The Practical Limitations of End-to-End Encryption (soatok.blog)
Database Protocols Are Underwhelming (byroot.github.io)
acko.net image
Occlusion with Bells On (acko.net)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Beyond Traditional Pattern Matching in Lisp (github.com)
Closing Keynote with Leslie Lamport at SCALE 22x: Coding isn''t programming (www.socallinuxexpo.org)
bbhtt.space image
Closing the chapter on OpenH264 (bbhtt.space)
www.phoronix.net image
Btrfs Adding Fast/Realtime Zstd Compression & Other Performance Optimizations (www.phoronix.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
FFMPEG''s Assembly Language Lessons (github.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
autology: hot take on metaprogramming (github.com)
www.datocms-assets.com image
RCE Vulnerabilities in k8s Ingress NGINX (9.8 CVE for ingress-nginx) (www.wiz.io)
Parser combinators under the hood: advanced example (www.youtube.com)
crates.io image
Triforce: a microphone array beamformer for Apple Silicon laptops (crates.io)
Networking in Bevy with ECS Replication (using Rust) (www.youtube.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
A CSS-based NoJS Anti-BOT Web Application Firewall (Proof of Concept) (github.com)
robbowen.digital image
Holograms, light-leaks and how to build CSS-only shaders (robbowen.digital)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Bringing Record and Replay everywhere (github.com)
aartaka.me image
LLMs, But Only Because Your Tech SUCKS (aartaka.me)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
argp: GNU command line argument parser (github.com)
GPSTracker: A self-hosted FOSS alternative to Google Maps Timeline (blog.fabiomanganiello.com)
Fastrace: A Modern Approach to Distributed Tracing in Rust FastLabs / Blog (fast.github.io)
Basedpyright: pyright fork with various type checking improvements (docs.basedpyright.com)
miro.medium.com image
Figma’s not a design tool — it’s a Rube Goldberg machine for avoiding code (uxdesign.cc)
Exploring Ruby Ractors -- I paid for for 10 cores I''m gonna use 10 cores (jpterry.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
c-ward: An implementation of libc written in Rust (github.com)
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle for management''s opinion (ayende.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
landrun: Run any Linux process in a secure, unprivileged sandbox using Landlock (github.com)
sheep.horse image
A Cassette Audio Control for the Web (sheep.horse)
cdn.prod.website-files.com image
Revenge of the junior developer Sourcegraph Blog (sourcegraph.com)
Friends don''t let friends write production software in Python (dustri.org)
lucumr.pocoo.org image
Bridging the Efficiency Gap Between FromStr and String (lucumr.pocoo.org)
discourse.haskell.org image
ClickHaskell-0.2: 2 Years Anniversary pre-stable releas (discourse.haskell.org)
lh3.googleusercontent.com image
A USB interface to the "Mother of All Demos" keyset (www.righto.com)
A Brief Introduction to Esoteric Programming Languages [Video] (www.youtube.com)
Technicalities of Homeworld 2 backgrounds (simonschreibt.de)
A decision maker''s guide to Typed Functional Languages by Evan Czaplicki (youtu.be)
Why did you need to change 8 files to add one checkbox? (www.mrlacey.com)
Optimizing by 170,000% by not being silly (ayende.com)
What influences developers'' trust in adopting AI-assisted coding tools? (rdel.substack.com)
Custom VC-Focused Emacs Functions to Enhance My Git Workflow (www.rahuljuliato.com)
Powxy: anti-scraper reverse proxy (git.sr.ht)
hackmd.io image
Enabling seamless interop between Rust and other languages (hackmd.io)
lobste.rs image
Why do people default to React and JavaScript for frontend and UIs? (lobste.rs)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
pussh: A simple SSH-based deployment tool written in Bash (github.com)
C3: Reading and writing files (ebn.codeberg.page)
lobste.rs image
Block-based UI Libraries for Data Flow? (lobste.rs)
Chunking Attacks on File Backup Services using Content-Defined Chunking (www.daemonology.net)
github.githubassets.com image
Authorization Bypass in Next.js Middleware (github.com)
Don''t Be Afraid Of Types (lmika.org)
www.phoronix.net image
Microsoft Proposes "Hornet" Security Module For The Linux Kernel (www.phoronix.com)
When you deleted /lib on Linux while still connected via ssh (tinyhack.com)
substackcdn.com image
Hardware-Aware Coding: CPU Architecture Concepts Every Developer Should Know (blog.codingconfessions.com)
www.pewresearch.org image
How a glitch in an online survey replaced the word ‘yes’ with ‘forks’ (www.pewresearch.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Shaarli: personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service (github.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
C/Rust Interoperability Problem Statement (github.com)
lobste.rs image
How to share mouse, keyboard, and monitors between windows, macos, and Linux? (lobste.rs)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
retroboy: A Game Boy emulator written in Rust that runs on the web (github.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
pow-bot-deterrent: A proof-of-work based bot deterrent (github.com)
Torch Lens Maker - library for differentiable geometric optics based on PyTorch (victorpoughon.github.io)
blog.zulip.com image
Engineering flexible permissions for Zulip open-source team chat (blog.zulip.com)
lobste.rs image
Recommendations for an OS to install on an old Mac laptop? (lobste.rs)
Understanding various syntaxes to annotate a function''s type in TypeScript (bhoot.dev)
The mistakes and missed opportunities in the design of IPv6 (episode 1) (ipv6.hanazo.no)
The IndieWeb Doesn''t Need to "Take Off" (susam.net)
EU forces Apple to open up notifications and other iOS features to third-party developers (mezha.media)
asahilinux.org image
Asahi Linux progress report: Linux kernel 6.14 (asahilinux.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Hyper-MCP - MCP server in Rust with plugin system powered by WebAssembly and OCI registry (github.com)
Clarifying what''s happening at Mozilla: an Interview with Ryan Sipes from Thunderbird (www.youtube.com)
Ruby, Ractors, and Lock-Free Data Structures (iliabylich.github.io)
amanvir.com image
Turning my ESP32 into a DNS sinkhole to fight doomscrolling (amanvir.com)
wts.dev image
Leaking passwords (and more!) on macOS (wts.dev)
planetscale.com image
Faster interpreters in Go: Catching up with C (planetscale.com)
sagi.io image
The National Security Case for Email Plus Addressing (sagi.io)
Introducing GREASE: An Open-Source Tool for Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Binary Code (www.galois.com)
How NixOS and reproducible builds could have detected the xz backdoorfor the benefit of all (luj.fr)
www.phoronix.net image
Another round of Rust compiler improvements merged for GCC 15.1 (www.phoronix.com)
fuzzix.org image
Building the Second-Worst ZX Spectrum Emulator in the World with Perl (fuzzix.org)
HealthyIG: Instagram without all the toxic features like reels, home page, explore page (github.com)
Half Constructed Objects Are Unnecessary (jerf.org)
blog.lancedb.com image
Lance v2: A columnar container format for modern data (blog.lancedb.com)
mastersplinter.work image
CVE-2024-9956 - PassKey Account Takeover in All Mobile Browsers (mastersplinter.work)
One Billion Row Challenge in Racket (defn.io)
media.securedrop.org image
Introducing WEBCAT: Web-based Code Assurance and Transparency (securedrop.org)
devblogs.microsoft.com image
Why didn''t Windows 95 setup use a miniature version of Windows 95 as its fallback GUI? (devblogs.microsoft.com)
Note to the C standards committee members on profiles and safety (www.open-std.org)
blogger.googleusercontent.com image
Red v0.6.6: Memory Management Improvements (www.red-lang.org)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
QuickBench: A Zero-Dependency Linux Benchmark for CPU, Memory, and Storage (github.com)
In Search of the Next Great Programming Language (git.sr.ht)
i0.wp.com image
Turing Award Special: A Conversation with Jack Dongarra (softwareengineeringdaily.com)
Bell Labs'' Unsung Heros in the History of Computing (2012) (dobbse.net)
apache-kafka.org image
Apache Kafka 4.0.0 Release Announcement (kafka.apache.org)
www.phoronix.net image
Asahi Lina Pausing Work On Apple GPU Linux Driver Development (www.phoronix.com)
Failing upwards: the Twitter encrypted DM failure (mjg59.dreamwidth.org)
The State of Personal Online Security and Confidentiality (www.youtube.com)
On the Aesthetics of the Syntax of Declarations (2018) (www.gingerbill.org)
greptime.com image
GreptimeDB Leads in Cold Run Performance on ClickHouse’s billion JSON doc benchmark (greptime.com)
Bisecting Regressions in Fedora Silverblue [2024] (enblog.eischmann.cz)
cdn.arstechnica.net image
Why SNES hardware is running faster than expected—and why it’s a problem (arstechnica.com)
lobste.rs image
Patterns for modeling data with absolutely no NULLs? (lobste.rs)
OpenTimes: Free travel times between U.S. Census geographies (sno.ws)
slugcat.systems image
Virtual Reality Projection Shenanigans (slugcat.systems)
i0.wp.com image
Hexagons and Beyond: Flexible, Responsive Grid Patterns, Sans Media Queries (2021) (css-tricks.com)
I don''t think error handling is a solved problem in language design (utcc.utoronto.ca)
blog.container-solutions.com image
Why I''m No Longer Talking to Architects About Microservices (blog.container-solutions.com)
matduggan.com image
Slack: The Art of Being Busy Without Getting Anything Done (matduggan.com)
How to Track and Document Known Issues Effectively in Software Projects (l.idaszak.com)
shkspr.mobi image
Extracting content from an LCP "protected" ePub (shkspr.mobi)
lobste.rs image
Can we consider self-promo discussion off-topic? (lobste.rs)
Past and Present Futures of User Interface Design (www.datagubbe.se)
Offline PKI using 3 YubiKeys and an ARM single board computer (vincent.bernat.ch)
After 47 years, OpenVMS gets a package manager (VSP) (raymii.org)
The Atrocious State Of Binary Compatibility on Linux and How To Address It (jangafx.com)
cf-assets.www.cloudflare.com image
Password reuse is rampant: nearly half of observed user logins are compromised (blog.cloudflare.com)
The Rhombus Programming Language (rhombus-lang.org)
labs.watchtowr.com image
Bypassing Authentication Like It’s The ‘90s - Pre-Auth RCE Chain(s) in Kentico Xperience CMS (labs.watchtowr.com)
Introducing Intel Advanced Performance Extensions (Intel APX) (www.intel.com)
httptoolkit.com image
HTTP/3 is everywhere but nowhere (httptoolkit.com)
www.dropbox.com image
Installing the sassc Ruby gem on a Mac. A debugging story (www.schneems.com)
arxiv.org image
Optimal Bounds for Open Addressing Without Reordering (arxiv.org)
github.githubassets.com image
From Languages to Language Sets (gist.github.com)
Dioxus Fullstack crossplatform app framework for Rust (dioxuslabs.com)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
Zest: a programming language for malleable and legible systems (github.com)
blog.gitbutler.com image
Going down the rabbit hole of Git''s new bundle-uri (blog.gitbutler.com)
Inventing On Principle (youtu.be)
The Evolution of the Interface (2000) (www.asktog.com)
Frontside, Effection, and Structured Concurrency (www.youtube.com)
The hidden superpowers of linear types (2024) (www.youtube.com)
Docs: Open-source collaborative notes, wiki, and documentation platform by the French government (docs.numerique.gouv.fr)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
open-ui: Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption (github.com)
Our interfaces have lost their senses (wattenberger.com)
Dynamically Scoped Functions as the Essence of AOP (citeseerx.ist.psu.edu)
www.phoronix.net image
Git 2.49 released with faster packing, Rust foreign language interface (www.phoronix.com)
Attacker Copied GitHub Project, Added Fake Stars and Malicious Code (www.reddit.com)
A Review of Helix after 1.5 Years (felix-knorr.net)
thephd.dev image
The Defer Technical Specification: It Is Time (thephd.dev)
www.fast.ai image
Mojo may be the biggest programming language advance in decades (www.fast.ai)
miro.medium.com image
Reviving the modprobe_path Technique: Overcoming search_binary_handler() Patch (blog.theori.io)
alexn.org image
My Favorite Firefox Extensions (alexn.org)
Speeding up C code with template lambdas (lemire.me)
Implicit Surfaces & Independent Research (www.youtube.com)
A Code Centric Journey Into the Gleam Language (youtu.be)
gitlab.com image
The Brat virtual machine (gitlab.com)
herecomesthemoon.net image
Were multiple return values Go''s biggest mistake? (herecomesthemoon.net)
interconnected.org image
Mapping the landscape of gen-AI product user experience (interconnected.org)
Comparison of Common Lisp Testing Frameworks (sabracrolleton.github.io)
cdn.prod.website-files.com image
Popular GitHub Action tj-actions/changed-files is compromised (www.stepsecurity.io)
aartaka.me image
CSS-only Syntax Highlighting (aartaka.me)
opengraph.githubassets.com image
SICL: Fresh Implementation of Common Lisp (github.com)
The Broken Mindset Of Modern Graphics & Optimization (www.youtube.com)
railsatscale.com image
Ruby Debugging Tips and Recommendations in 2025 (railsatscale.com)