3. Python 3.14 中的新解释器免费提升了速度 A new interpreter in Python 3.14 delivers a free speed boost (www.infoworld.com)
5. CMU 17-712:神奇的虫子和如何找到它们 CMU 17-712: Fantastic Bugs and How to Find Them (cmu-fantastic-bugs.github.io)
6. 对莱昂纳德-理查德森(RMM 的成名人物)的回顾性采访 A Retrospective Interview w/Leonard Richardson (of RMM fame) (htmx.org)
10. sapf:--使用懒列表和类似 APL 的自动映射进行音频合成的类 Forth 语言 sapf: - a Forth-like language for audio synthesis using lazy lists and APL-like auto-mapping (github.com)
14. Meshtastic:利用低功耗设备进行分散式通信 Meshtastic: decentralized communication with low-power devices (lwn.net)
15. 树莓派 RP2040 速度意外提升,解锁 200MHz 官方模式 The Raspberry Pi RP2040 Gets a Surprise Speed Boost, Unlocks an Official 200MHz Mode (www.hackster.io)
16. 我们相信您已经收到了本地系统管理员的例行讲座 We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator (lobste.rs)
17. 通过基于属性的测试揭开 Rust 中单子的神秘面纱 Demystifying monads in Rust through property-based testing (sunshowers.io)
20. 在 Rust 中构建自己的 SQLite,第 5 部分:评估查询 Build your own SQLite in Rust, Part 5: Evaluating queries (blog.sylver.dev)
21. 实用合金:正式软件设计实践指南 Practical Alloy: A hands-on guide to formal software design (practicalalloy.github.io)
22. Typst 0.13 现已发布:实验性 HTML 导出、语义段落等 Typst 0.13 is out now: Experimental HTML export, semantic paragraphs, and more (typst.app)
23. modview:轻松可视化包含 Go 项目所有外部依赖关系的 mod 图 modview: Effortlessly visualize mod graph with all external dependencies for your Go projects (github.com)
24. 不完美的系统其实很好蓝天的有损时间线 When Imperfect Systems are Good, Actually: Bluesky’s Lossy Timelines (jazco.dev)
27. 著名开源项目代码示例集 (2021) A collection of code examples from prominent open-source projects (2021) (codecatalog.org)
29. 欧洲大型空间级 FPGA 的开源 FPGA 工具链 An open source FPGA toolchain for a large European space-grade FPGA (blog.yosyshq.com)
31. 使用测试/同步测试工具测试并发代码 - Go 编程语言 Testing concurrent code with testing/synctest - The Go Programming Language (go.dev)
33. 格雷格-克罗阿-哈曼(Greg Kroah-Hartman)提出了用 Rust 编写新 Linux 内核驱动程序的令人信服的理由 Greg Kroah-Hartman Makes A Compelling Case For New Linux Kernel Drivers To Be Written In Rust (www.phoronix.com)
38. 俄罗斯网络钓鱼活动利用 Signal 的设备链接功能 Russian phishing campaigns exploit Signal''s device-linking feature (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
51. 通用葡萄酒/质子开发员(开放源码程序员) General Wine/Proton Developer (Open-Source Programmer) (www.codeweavers.com)
54. 用 SQL/PGQ 在 Postgresql 中表示图形 Representing graphs in Postgresql with SQL/PGQ (www.enterprisedb.com)
55. 克里斯-比斯卡迪:小实验的成长(与拉斯特和贝维一起) Chris Biscardi: Growing little experiments (with Rust & Bevy) (www.youtube.com)
56. 针对 OpenSSH 支持 VerifyHostKeyDNS 的客户端的 MitM 攻击 MitM attack against OpenSSH''s VerifyHostKeyDNS-enabled client (marc.info)
58. 这些年的 Common Lisp:2023-2024 年回顾 These years in Common Lisp: 2023-2024 in review (lisp-journey.gitlab.io)
59. exo software - 在计算机、智能手机或 SBC 集群上运行的分布式 LLM 解决方案 exo software - A distributed LLM solution running on a cluster of computers, smartphones, or SBCs (www.cnx-software.com)
60. SWE-Lancer:前沿法学硕士能否从现实世界的自由软件工程中赚取 100 万美元? SWE-Lancer: Can Frontier LLMs Earn 1 Million from Real-World Freelance Software Engineering? (arxiv.org)
61. 日本工程师谈任天堂 Switch 面临的困难 Japanese engineers talk about difficulties they faced with the Nintendo Switch (automaton-media.com)
64. go-attention:纯围棋中的全神贯注机制和转换器 go-attention: A full attention mechanism and transformer in pure Go (github.com)
68. 为 Linux 6.14 合并了新的 "假总线 "应用程序接口,包括 Rust 和 C 绑定功能 New "faux bus" API merged for Linux 6.14, including both Rust & C bindings (www.phoronix.com)
73. Swift 演进建议: 固定大小的数组 InlineArray Swift Evolution Proposal: InlineArray, a fixed-size array (github.com)
75. 我为什么要在 2025 年编写 Scheme 实现(答案就是 Async Rust) Why I''m Writing a Scheme Implementation in 2025 (The Answer is Async Rust) (maplant.com)
83. 框中链接:在 X 上分享信号链接,不会受到审查 Link in a box: Share Signal links on X without getting censored (link-in-a-box.vercel.app)
86. searchcode.com 的 SQLite 数据库可能比你的大 6 太字节 searchcode.com’s SQLite database is probably 6 terabytes bigger than yours (boyter.org)
91. f8 - 为提高 C 语言和内存效率而设计的 8 位架构 f8 - an 8 bit architecture designed for C and memory efficiency (fosdem.org)
93. 关于词嵌入--第 3 部分:word2vec 的秘密成分 On word embeddings - Part 3: The secret ingredients of word2vec (www.ruder.io)
96. 什么时候 OOP 是比其他范式更有用的建模方法? When is OOP a More Useful Modelling Approach than Other Paradigms? (lobste.rs)
100. 尽管设置了超时,但仍出现 SQLITE_BUSY 错误时该怎么办? What to do about SQLITE_BUSY errors despite setting a timeout (berthub.eu)
107. GF2P8AFFINEQB 位矩阵乘法指令的意外用途 Unexpected uses of the GF2P8AFFINEQB bit matrix multiply instruction (gist.github.com)
108. logis - git 提交历史中的自动科学日志 logis - an automatic scientific log in your git commit history (github.com)
110. remco 是一款轻量级配置管理工具 (2023) remco is a lightweight configuration management tool (2023) (github.com)
116. Taichi:Python 中的高性能并行编程 Taichi: High-performance Parallel Programming in Python (www.taichi-lang.org)
117. 美国国家航空航天局列出了软件开发的 10 条规则 NASA has a list of 10 rules for software development (www.cs.otago.ac.nz)
119. 使用 llm-mlx 和 Apple 的 MLX 框架在 macOS 上运行 LLM Run LLMs on macOS using llm-mlx and Apple’s MLX framework (simonwillison.net)
120. 事后分析--影响OpenStreetMap.org的网络故障--2024年12月15日 Post-Mortem - Network Outage Affecting OpenStreetMap.org - 15 December 2024 (operations.osmfoundation.org)
121. 破解旧 ZIP 文件,帮助开放非国大 "武拉行动 "秘密密码的源代码 Cracking an old ZIP file to help open source the ANC''s "Operation Vula" secret crypto code (blog.jgc.org)
130. 8088 MPH 决赛:新旧CGA对比(及其他血淋淋的细节)(2015年) 8088 MPH Final: Old vs. New CGA (and Other Gory Details) (2015) (int10h.org)
131. SQLite-on-the-Server 被误解:超大规模优于微小规模 SQLite-on-the-Server Is Misunderstood: Better At Hyper-Scale Than Micro-Scale (rivet.gg)
135. 以 10,000 美元的价格泄露任何 YouTube 用户的电子邮件 Leaking the email of any YouTube user for 10,000 (brutecat.com)
139. 20 岁的 PSP 现在可以连接 WPA2 Wifi 网络了 The 20 year old PSP can now connect to WPA2 Wifi Networks (wololo.net)
140. 首次分析苹果公司的 USB 限制模式旁路(CVE-2025-24200) First analysis of Apple''s USB Restricted Mode bypass (CVE-2025-24200) (blog.quarkslab.com)
141. 为什么客户类型应源于查询和片段,而不是模式? Why Your Client Types Should Derive from Queries and Fragments — Not the Schema (medium.com)
144. 在一个 NearlyFreeSpeech 网站下托管多个网站 Hosting Multiple Websites Under One NearlyFreeSpeech Site (btxx.org)
147. 使用 Go 扩展 Wasm 应用程序 - Go 编程语言 Extensible Wasm Applications with Go - The Go Programming Language (go.dev)
149. 现代编译器如何选择将哪些变量放入寄存器? How do modern compilers choose which variables to put in registers? (langdev.stackexchange.com)
158. 利用神经网络求解离散化浅水方程 Solving the discretised shallow water equations using neural networks (www.sciencedirect.com)
162. 阿特金森超文本阅读 Next 和阿特金森超文本阅读 Mono Atkinson Hyperlegible Next and Atkinson Hyperlegible Mono (www.brailleinstitute.org)
168. 使用 Spritely Goblins 对机器部署工具进行原型开发 Prototyping a machine deployment tool with Spritely Goblins (www.terracrypt.net)
170. 开发人员在创建应用程序接口和代码文档时面临的挑战 Challenges Developers Face in Creating API and Code Documentation (www.coderabbit.ai)
172. 为什么我创建的超个性化搜索引擎并不出色? why I built a hyper-personalized seach engine that isn''t very good (search.technomancy.us)
176. 用 PHP 加速后量子加密技术的应用 Accelerating The Adoption of Post-Quantum Cryptography with PHP (paragonie.com)
184. 用 222 行 Pulumi 构建自己的 GitHub 代码空间替代方案 Build Your Own GitHub Codespaces Alternative in 222 Lines of Pulumi (devcontainer.community)
185. devenv 1.4:使用人工智能生成 Nix 开发者环境 devenv 1.4: Generating Nix Developer Environments Using AI (devenv.sh)
195. 质疑评估非加密哈希函数的标准 Questioning the Criteria for Evaluating Non-Cryptographic Hash Functions (cacm.acm.org)
197. schemesh:将 Unix shell 和 Lisp REPL 融合在一起 schemesh: A Unix shell and Lisp REPL, fused together (github.com)
198. 我如何利用 macOS 文件夹操作实现电脑生活自动化 How I Automated My Computer Life With macOS Folder Actions (interfacecraft.online)
199. 英国要求为 iCloud 备份加密设置后门 U.K. asks to backdoor iCloud Backup encryption (blog.cryptographyengineering.com)
210. 跳过:声明式编码和连续计算的反应式框架 Skip: A reactive framework to code declaratively and compute continuously (skiplabs.io)
213. Syd:Linux 安全应用程序沙箱简介 Syd: An Introduction to Secure Application Sandboxing for Linux (fosdem.org)
217. Go 1.24 的 "omitzero "是多年来生态系统的又一最佳补充之一 Go 1.24''s omitzero is another one of the best additions to the ecosystem in years (www.jvt.me)
218. 英雄联盟》重播的数据搜刮和逆向工程 Data scraping and reverse engineering League of Legends replays (maknee.github.io)
221. 与 Jakub Jarosz 一起学习 Go 的安全、开发和测试 Security, devops, and testing in Go with Jakub Jarosz (gopodcast.dev)
222. AWS 的系统正确性实践:利用正式和半正式方法 Systems Correctness Practices at AWS: Leveraging Formal and Semi-formal Methods (dl.acm.org)
223. 使用 JavaScript 的 "using "关键字进行无尘室测试 Clean room tests with JavaScript''s using keyword (blog.disintegrator.dev)
226. 汤森路透在有关人工智能、版权和合理使用的早期法庭辩论中获胜 Thomson Reuters wins an early court battle over AI, copyright, and fair use (www.theverge.com)
227. 内维快乐(内部结构的串联说明) Intensional Joy (a concatenative account of internal structure) (pithlessly.github.io)
228. ELEET:文本和表格的高效学习查询执行 ELEET: Efficient Learned Query Execution over Text and Tables (www.vldb.org)
229. HOTDOG:带有 Windows 3.1 Hot Dog Stand、Mac Classic 和 Aqua UI 的 X11 窗口管理器 HOTDOG: X11 Window Manager with Windows 3.1 Hot Dog Stand, Mac Classic and Aqua UI (github.com)
234. 参考计数:比听起来更难(2015) Reference Counting: Harder than it Sounds (2015) (www.playingwithpointers.com)
237. Windows 7:2025 年的视角(无论是否带有玫瑰色调) Windows 7: A 2025 perspective (rose-tinted or not) (www.dedoimedo.com)
239. 使用 apt-eatmydata 为安装增效:因为谁还需要碰撞安全? Supercharge Your Installs with apt-eatmydata: Because Who Needs Crash Safety Anyway? (balintreczey.hu)
242. 奥利奥:保护 ASLR 免受微架构攻击 (2024) Oreo: Protecting ASLR Against Microarchitectural Attacks (2024) (arxiv.org)
246. 虚构的事实?QWERTY 键盘的传奇(2013 年) Fact of Fiction? The Legend of the QWERTY Keyboard (2013) (www.smithsonianmag.com)
248. Composiphrase:类似于 Vim 的可组合编辑语言,但更有特色 Composiphrase: Composable editing language like Vim, but moreso (www.willghatch.net)
251. 在磨坊工作数字设备公司的故事 Work at the Mill: The story of Digital Equipment Corporation (www.abortretry.fail)
253. 微软发布基于 MIT 许可的 DocumentDB(NoSQL atop Postgres) Microsoft releases DocumentDB (NoSQL atop Postgres) under MIT license (opensource.microsoft.com)
260. GameFontLibrary 电子游戏字体和排版数据库 GameFontLibrary Video Game Fonts & Typography Database (www.gamefontlibrary.com)
263. 使用 EBMC 比较两种 Verilog CPU 实现 Comparing Two Verilog CPU Implementations using EBMC (www.philipzucker.com)
264. 推出 auxcord.org - 让朋友们在您的派对上排队听音乐 Launching auxcord.org - Let friends queue their music at your party (krausefx.com)
266. 我们用 Go 和 WebAssembly 代替了 React 前端 - Dagger We Replaced Our React Frontend with Go and WebAssembly - Dagger (dagger.io)
273. 遵循 IEEE 754 浮点标准的基本函数和 NOT (2020) Elementary Functions and NOT Following the IEEE 754 Floating-Point Standard (2020) (www.hlsl.co.uk)
274. Ciao Prolog 系统(以 WASM 为目标的 Prolog 实现) The Ciao Prolog System (Prolog implementation targeting WASM) (ciao-lang.org)
277. 出版了一系列 Node.js 安全编码书籍 Published a series of Node.js Secure Coding books (www.nodejs-security.com)
280. pkarr:公钥可寻址资源记录(主权顶级域) pkarr: Public Key Addressable Resource Records (sovereign TLDs) (github.com)
287. 独立情结:(人工智能)助手应该是独立的个体,而不是傀儡 Stand Alone Complex: (AI) Assistants should be individuals, not puppets (blog.cortex.im)
291. HarmonyOS:"深蓝洞察 "是 2024 年最独特的安全新生态 HarmonyOS: "Deep Blue Insight" is the most unique new security ecology in 2024 (www.harmony-developers.com)
292. ConnectX-5 固件工具和初步分析 ConnectX-5 Firmware tooling and initial analysis (irisc-research-syndicate.github.io)
298. Linux 补丁调整 s2idle 期间的交流电插拔行为,以与 Windows 匹配 Linux Patches Adjust AC Plug/Unplug Behavior During s2idle To Match Windows (www.phoronix.com)