2. sshcont: ssh 守护进程,用于启动和进入一个可丢弃的 docker 容器进行测试 sshcont: ssh daemon that starts and enters a throwaway docker container for testing (github.com)
5. 甲骨文不愿放弃 JavaScript 商标,JS 社区准备打官司 Oracle won''t relinquish JavaScript trademark, so the JS community prepares for court battle (www.techspot.com)
14. 关于计划在即将到来的 2025 年世界电视论坛(FOSDEM)期间举行抗议活动的声明 Statement on planned protests during the upcoming FOSDEM 2025 (fosdem.org)
15. 绕过带有 TPM2 自动解锁功能的系统上的磁盘加密 Bypassing disk encryption on systems with automatic TPM2 unlock (oddlama.org)
24. 回应最近有关会话安全架构的说法 A Response to Recent Claims About Session''s Security Architecture (getsession.org)
27. 谷歌不再支持无 JavaScript 搜索请求 - 问题 #1211 - benbusby/whoogle-search Google no longer supports javascript-free search requests · Issue #1211 · benbusby/whoogle-search (github.com)
29. 躲过 Gmail 垃圾邮件过滤器的惊人诈骗电子邮件 A surprising scam email that evaded Gmail''s spam filter (jamesbvaughan.com)
33. 公布 2025 年六天和 IP 地址证书选项 Announcing Six Day and IP Address Certificate Options in 2025 (letsencrypt.org)
35. 2024 年 Guix 用户和贡献者调查:调查结果(第一部分) Guix User and Contributor Survey 2024: The Results (part 1) (guix.gnu.org)
36. 语音编码工具 Serenade:分叉后的首个社区版本 Serenade, a tool for coding with voice: first community release after fork (github.com)
40. 笔记本考古或如何在 25 岁的笔记本电脑上安装 NixOS 24.11 Laptop archeology or how to install NixOS 24.11 on a 25 year old laptop (blog.mynacol.xyz)
44. Tiny Corp即将利用Tinygrad为AMD GPU提供 "完全主权 "计算堆栈 Tiny Corp Nearing "Completely Sovereign" Compute Stack For AMD GPUs With Tinygrad (www.phoronix.com)
49. 这个 "基础 "机器人如何解决现实生活中的问题(无需人工智能) How This "Basic" Robot Solves Real Life Problems (without AI) (www.youtube.com)
52. 在 LLVM 中处理结构参数和返回值的混乱局面 The mess that is handling structure arguments and returns in LLVM (yorickpeterse.com)
53. SimpleX 网络:大型群组和保护隐私的内容审核 SimpleX network: large groups and privacy-preserving content moderation (simplex.chat)
56. doompdf:在 PDF 文件中运行的 Doom(1993)移植版 doompdf: A port of Doom (1993) that runs inside a PDF file (github.com)
57. 揭开发现 Arm64 JIT 编译器漏洞的 Postgres 故障之谜 Unraveling a Postgres segfault that uncovered an Arm64 JIT compiler bug (www.datadoghq.com)
65. Async Rust 注重并发性,而不仅仅是性能 Async Rust is about concurrency, not (just) performance (kobzol.github.io)
66. VanMoof 电子变速箱逆向工程 - 第 2 部分 - 信号解码 Reverse Engineering a VanMoof e-shifter – Part 2 – Decoding the Signals (mikecoats.com)
74. 为什么一些英国皇家车辆管理局的数字服务在夜间无法工作? Why some DVLA digital services don''t work at night (dafyddvaughan.uk)
86. 为什么 ML 和 AI 需要一种新的威胁建模方法? Why ML and AI demand a new approach to threat modeling (www.fullstory.com)
94. 普通物体 高保真增强现实体验原型 Ordinary Objects Prototype high fidelity augmented reality experiences (ordinary.space)
98. 俳句活动与合约报告,2024 年 12 月 (ft. Iceweasel) Haiku Activity & Contract Report, December 2024 (ft. Iceweasel) (www.haiku-os.org)
101. 基于 DOS 的可用实时 USB 媒体,让写作不再分心 Usable DOS-based live USB media, for distraction-free writing (github.com)
110. 为什么 Git Autocorrect 对一级方程式赛车手来说太快了? Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers? (blog.gitbutler.com)
118. 东京博物馆让参观者 "倒叙 "已失效的技术 Tokyo museum offers visitors ''flashback'' to defunct technology (www.reuters.com)
119. 派生语法:利用派生词进行解析的符号方法 Derivative grammars: a symbolic approach to parsing with derivatives (dl.acm.org)
121. 如果在河边等待 14272 年,你能走完俄勒冈小道吗?一项研究 Can you complete the Oregon Trail if you wait at a river for 14272 years: A study (moral.net.au)
124. 早期 Unix 系统中 /etc/glob 的历史和使用情况 The history and use of /etc/glob in early Unixes (utcc.utoronto.ca)
131. 背道而驰的后门--又一个 20 美元的域名,更多的政府 Backdooring Your Backdoors - Another 20 Domain, More Governments (labs.watchtowr.com)
132. Doug Lenat 的 AM 和 EURISKO 源代码 Doug Lenat''s source code for AM and EURISKO (www.white-flame.com)
133. Canva 故障:饱和与恢复能力的另一个故事 The Canva outage: another tale of saturation and resilience (surfingcomplexity.blog)
137. quicknotes:一款让记笔记变得......快捷的笔记应用程序 quicknotes: A notes application that makes taking notes... quick (github.com)
138. 从 ASCII 到 ASIC:将 donut.c 移植到微小的硅片上 From ASCII to ASIC: Porting donut.c to a tiny slice of silicon (www.a1k0n.net)
141. "极易搬迁 "与 "搬迁后极易破坏 "的比较 “Trivially relocatable” versus “trivially destructible after move” (quuxplusone.github.io)
142. 本周 PSC(Perl 指导委员会) (175) 2025-01-09 This week in PSC (Perl Steering Council) (175) 2025-01-09 (blogs.perl.org)
143. (dxxx) 上周发布的 20 个优秀 CPAN 模块 (dxxx) 20 great CPAN modules released last week (niceperl.blogspot.com)
144. 你所有的代码库用于 Zig 构建系统的 C/C 项目 All Your Codebase: C/C projects for the Zig build system (github.com)
149. JavaScript 散列速度比较:MD5 与 SHA-256 JavaScript hashing speed comparison: MD5 versus SHA-256 (lemire.me)
151. 语音和语言处理:自然语言处理、计算语言学和使用语言模型进行语音识别导论 Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition with Language Models (web.stanford.edu)
155. 德国路由器制造商是最新一家无意中澄清 LGPL 许可证的公司 German router maker is latest company to inadvertently clarify the LGPL license (arstechnica.com)
163. 进入 2025 年,您应该了解的有关 HTML 的相对新内容 Relatively New Things You Should Know about HTML Heading Into 2025 (frontendmasters.com)
167. 坏苹果,但我在 vim 中搜索了 6 500 个 regexes Bad Apple but it''s 6,500 regexes that I search for in vim (eieio.games)
170. 前景明朗:云计算驱动的 ESP32 电子纸上的云朵 The forecast is clear: clouds on ESP32 powered e-paper, powered by the cloud (blog.cloudflare.com)
172. 本月舵机:暗模式、关键字大小、XPath 等 This month in Servo: dark mode, keyword sizes, XPath, and more (servo.org)
180. Honeybadger 如何从 Sidekiq 迁移到 Karafka How Honeybadger migrated from Sidekiq to Karafka (www.honeybadger.io)
185. 基于 WebAssembly 的快速 JavaScript:可移植基线解释器和未来计划 Fast(er) JavaScript on WebAssembly: Portable Baseline Interpreter and Future Plans (cfallin.org)
186. 谷歌推出 "中立 "Chromium 开发基金 Google launches a ‘neutral’ Chromium development fund (www.theverge.com)
187. 如果你一直要求法学硕士 "写出更好的代码",他们能写出更好的代码吗? Can LLMs write better code if you keep asking them to “write better code”? (minimaxir.com)
189. dnsclay:将 DNS UPDATE/AXFR/NOTIFY 转换为许多自定义 DNS 操作员 API 网关 dnsclay: DNS UPDATE/AXFR/NOTIFY to many custom DNS operator APIs gateway (www.ueber.net)
194. WorstFit:揭开 Windows ANSI 中隐藏的变形金刚的面纱 WorstFit: Unveiling Hidden Transformers in Windows ANSI (blog.orange.tw)
197. 谷歌和 Linux 基金会启动 "基于 Chromium 浏览器的支持者 "基金 Google & Linux Foundation Launch "Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers" Fund (www.phoronix.com)
200. 东北大学重新设计的 Khoury 课程放弃了计算机科学的基础知识 Northeastern’s redesign of the Khoury curriculum abandons the fundamentals of computer science (huntnewsnu.com)
207. 站在巨人的肩膀上:科尔姆谈持续工作(2023 年) Standing on the shoulders of giants: Colm on constant work (2023) (www.allthingsdistributed.com)
209. 案例研究:在 Haskell 应用程序中使用 JavaScript 组件 Case Study — Using a JavaScript component inside a Haskell application (blog.haskell.org)
217. Arch Linux 用户资源库要求软件包支持 x86_64:无 ARM 专用软件 Arch Linux User Repository Requires Packages To Support x86_64: No ARM-Only Software (www.phoronix.com)
218. 西兰花用于 Rust 应用程序的强大消息队列系统,作为 Celery 的 Rust 替代品而设计 broccoli: A robust message queue system for Rust applications, designed as a Rust alternative to Celery (github.com)
223. 一个驱动程序一个驱动程序地将 SerenityOS 带到真实硬件上 Bringing SerenityOS to real hardware, one driver at a time (sdomi.pl)
227. 利用客户端路径遍历执行跨站请求伪造 - 介绍 CSPT2CSRF Exploiting Client-Side Path Traversal to Perform Cross-Site Request Forgery - Introducing CSPT2CSRF (blog.doyensec.com)
231. MySQL 8.4.3 和 9.1.0:揭示主要性能提升 MySQL 8.4.3 and 9.1.0: Major Performance Gains Revealed (www.percona.com)
233. 我们如何在云中以不到 8 美元的价格破解 512 位 DKIM 密钥 How We Cracked a 512-Bit DKIM Key for Less Than 8 in the Cloud (dmarcchecker.app)
235. Rust-for-Linux 的实证研究:成功、不满与妥协 (2024) An Empirical Study of Rust-for-Linux: The Success, Dissatisfaction, and Compromise (2024) (www.usenix.org)
238. Hyperview - 原生移动应用程序,就像创建网站一样简单 Hyperview · Native mobile apps, as easy as creating a web site (hyperview.org)
239. 解决 NIST 密码复杂性:从 GRC 角度提供指导 Solving NIST Password Complexities: Guidance From a GRC Perspective (trustedsec.com)
247. Taskonaut - 用于简化 ECS 容器管理的 CLI 工具 Taskonaut – a CLI tool to simplify ECS container management (schematichq.com)
248. 我正在编译曼德布罗特集的 JavaScript 实现列表。欢迎投稿 I''m compiling a list of JavaScript implementations of the Mandelbrot set. Contributions are welcome (github.com)
249. Ruby 更新日志准备-2025 版期间的短暂活动爆发 The short outburst of activity during Ruby Changelog preparation—2025 edition (zverok.space)
255. 正则表达式国际象棋包含 84,688 个正则表达式的最小国际象棋引擎 Regex Chess: A minimax chess engine in 84,688 regular expressions (nicholas.carlini.com)
256. Mecha Comet - 由开源软件驱动的模块化 Linux 手持式计算机 Mecha Comet - Modular Linux Handheld Computer powered by Open-Source Software (mecha.so)
259. 英国用户:龙虾需要您的帮助,共同遵守《网络安全法 UK Users: Lobsters needs your help with the Online Safety Act (lobste.rs)
260. 轻松修复故障的 NZXT Signal 4K30 采集卡 Easy repair of a defective NZXT Signal 4K30 capture card (www.downtowndougbrown.com)
265. 尝试对编译器和类似编译器的东西进行快照测试 Try Snapshot Testing for Compilers and Compiler-Like Things (www.cs.cornell.edu)
270. Yolc - 一种由 Haskell 驱动、安全、富有表现力、有趣的以太坊语言 Yolc – a Haskell-powered, safe, expressive, fun language for Ethereum (yolc.dev)
277. Zig Strike:创建和躲避有效载荷的终极工具包 Zig Strike: The ultimate toolkit for payload creation and evasion (kpmg.com)
279. Cray 1 超级计算机与家用电脑、手机和平板电脑的性能比较 Cray 1 Supercomputer Performance Comparisons With Home Computers Phones and Tablets (www.roylongbottom.org.uk)
280. 关于平台、核心团队、DORA 报告和其他的想法 Thoughts on Platforms, Core Teams, DORA Report and all that jazz (www.architecture-weekly.com)