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数据来源: 该页面支持的版本: 该页面支持的语言: 订阅地址: 社交媒体: 最后更新于: 2025-03-26T07:14:15.980+08:00   查看统计
06:02  Mobile Cyberattacks Conducted by US Intelligence Agencies (www.news.cn)
01:41  The role of developer skills in agentic coding (martinfowler.com)
03-25  On the Ignorability of Attributes (brevzin.github.io)
03-25  The surreal joy of having an overprovisioned homelab (xeiaso.net)
02:28  Are AI agents the future of observability? (xata.io)
01:19  Prospero challenge, now with more garbage collection (bernsteinbear.com)
00:07  REST in Peace? Django''s Framework Problem (danlamanna.com)
03-25  Land ahoy: leaving the Sea of Nodes (v8.dev)
03-25  Considering A W3C Standard For Stateful Serverless (rivet.gg)
03-25  spade - A work in progress HDL that doesn''t make you want to pull your hair out (gitlab.com)
03-25  Open-sourcing OpenPubkey SSH (github.com)
03-25  The Practical Limitations of End-to-End Encryption (soatok.blog)
03-25  Database Protocols Are Underwhelming (byroot.github.io)
03-25  Implementers, Solvers, and Finders (rkoutnik.com)
03-25  Better Shell History Search (tratt.net)
03-25  Occlusion with Bells On (acko.net)
03-25  Beyond Traditional Pattern Matching in Lisp (github.com)
03-25  Closing Keynote with Leslie Lamport at SCALE 22x: Coding isn''t programming (www.socallinuxexpo.org)
03-25  Closing the chapter on OpenH264 (bbhtt.space)
03-25  Btrfs Adding Fast/Realtime Zstd Compression & Other Performance Optimizations (www.phoronix.com)
03-25  FFMPEG''s Assembly Language Lessons (github.com)
03-25  autology: hot take on metaprogramming (github.com)
03-25  RCE Vulnerabilities in k8s Ingress NGINX (9.8 CVE for ingress-nginx) (www.wiz.io)
03-25  Latest Setuptools broke a bunch of packages (www.reddit.com)
03-25  Parser combinators under the hood: advanced example (www.youtube.com)
03-25  Ledger Implementation in PostgreSQL (www.pgrs.net)
03-25  Triforce: a microphone array beamformer for Apple Silicon laptops (crates.io)
03-25  Networking in Bevy with ECS Replication (using Rust) (www.youtube.com)
03-24  A CSS-based NoJS Anti-BOT Web Application Firewall (Proof of Concept) (github.com)
03-24  Holograms, light-leaks and how to build CSS-only shaders (robbowen.digital)
03-24  Everyone quotes command line arguments the wrong way (on Windows) (learn.microsoft.com)
03-24  Bringing Record and Replay everywhere (github.com)
03-24  LLMs, But Only Because Your Tech SUCKS (aartaka.me)
03-24  argp: GNU command line argument parser (github.com)
03-24  GPSTracker: A self-hosted FOSS alternative to Google Maps Timeline (blog.fabiomanganiello.com)
03-24  RDNA 4''s "Out-of-Order" Memory Accesses (chipsandcheese.com)
03-24  Fastrace: A Modern Approach to Distributed Tracing in Rust FastLabs / Blog (fast.github.io)
03-24  Basedpyright: pyright fork with various type checking improvements (docs.basedpyright.com)
03-24  Figma’s not a design tool — it’s a Rube Goldberg machine for avoiding code (uxdesign.cc)
03-24  Exploring Ruby Ractors -- I paid for for 10 cores I''m gonna use 10 cores (jpterry.com)
03-24  c-ward: An implementation of libc written in Rust (github.com)
03-24  The Heisenberg uncertainty principle for management''s opinion (ayende.com)
03-24  landrun: Run any Linux process in a secure, unprivileged sandbox using Landlock (github.com)
03-24  Avoid building a security treadmill (www.macchaffee.com)
03-24  A Cassette Audio Control for the Web (sheep.horse)
03-24  Revenge of the junior developer Sourcegraph Blog (sourcegraph.com)
03-24  Friends don''t let friends write production software in Python (dustri.org)
03-24  Bridging the Efficiency Gap Between FromStr and String (lucumr.pocoo.org)
03-24  Back to Basics: Lifetime Management in Cpp (www.youtube.com)
03-24  ClickHaskell-0.2: 2 Years Anniversary pre-stable releas (discourse.haskell.org)
03-24  attention is logarithmic, actually (supaiku.com)
03-23  A USB interface to the "Mother of All Demos" keyset (www.righto.com)
03-23  A Brief Introduction to Esoteric Programming Languages [Video] (www.youtube.com)
03-23  Technicalities of Homeworld 2 backgrounds (simonschreibt.de)
03-23  A decision maker''s guide to Typed Functional Languages by Evan Czaplicki (youtu.be)
03-23  How to find Next.js on your network (www.runzero.com)
03-23  Why did you need to change 8 files to add one checkbox? (www.mrlacey.com)
03-23  Optimizing by 170,000% by not being silly (ayende.com)
03-23  What influences developers'' trust in adopting AI-assisted coding tools? (rdel.substack.com)
03-23  Custom VC-Focused Emacs Functions to Enhance My Git Workflow (www.rahuljuliato.com)
03-23  Powxy: anti-scraper reverse proxy (git.sr.ht)
03-23  Enabling seamless interop between Rust and other languages (hackmd.io)
03-23  Why do people default to React and JavaScript for frontend and UIs? (lobste.rs)
03-23  Improved ways to operate a rude crawler (www.marginalia.nu)
03-23  pussh: A simple SSH-based deployment tool written in Bash (github.com)
03-23  C3: Reading and writing files (ebn.codeberg.page)
03-22  Block-based UI Libraries for Data Flow? (lobste.rs)
03-22  Chunking Attacks on File Backup Services using Content-Defined Chunking (www.daemonology.net)
03-22  Authorization Bypass in Next.js Middleware (github.com)
03-22  Don''t Be Afraid Of Types (lmika.org)
03-22  Microsoft Proposes "Hornet" Security Module For The Linux Kernel (www.phoronix.com)
03-22  When you deleted /lib on Linux while still connected via ssh (tinyhack.com)
03-22  Hardware-Aware Coding: CPU Architecture Concepts Every Developer Should Know (blog.codingconfessions.com)
03-22  How a glitch in an online survey replaced the word ‘yes’ with ‘forks’ (www.pewresearch.org)
03-22  Lightpanda: A new browser built for machines (lightpanda.io)
03-22  Shaarli: personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service (github.com)
03-22  C/Rust Interoperability Problem Statement (github.com)
03-22  How to share mouse, keyboard, and monitors between windows, macos, and Linux? (lobste.rs)
03-22  retroboy: A Game Boy emulator written in Rust that runs on the web (github.com)
03-22  pow-bot-deterrent: A proof-of-work based bot deterrent (github.com)
03-22  What Comes After GitHub Actions? (garnix.io)
03-21  Torch Lens Maker - library for differentiable geometric optics based on PyTorch (victorpoughon.github.io)
03-21  Engineering flexible permissions for Zulip open-source team chat (blog.zulip.com)
03-21  Recommendations for an OS to install on an old Mac laptop? (lobste.rs)
03-21  Understanding various syntaxes to annotate a function''s type in TypeScript (bhoot.dev)
03-21  Apache Tomcat CVE-2025-24813: What You Need to Know (www.rapid7.com)
03-21  The mistakes and missed opportunities in the design of IPv6 (episode 1) (ipv6.hanazo.no)
03-21  The IndieWeb Doesn''t Need to "Take Off" (susam.net)
03-21  EU forces Apple to open up notifications and other iOS features to third-party developers (mezha.media)
03-21  Asahi Linux progress report: Linux kernel 6.14 (asahilinux.org)
03-21  Chimera Linux NOT dropping RISC-V support after all (chimera-linux.org)
03-21  Hyper-MCP - MCP server in Rust with plugin system powered by WebAssembly and OCI registry (github.com)
03-21  Clarifying what''s happening at Mozilla: an Interview with Ryan Sipes from Thunderbird (www.youtube.com)
03-21  Ruby, Ractors, and Lock-Free Data Structures (iliabylich.github.io)
03-21  Anubis: self hostable scraper defense software (anubis.techaro.lol)
03-21  Turning my ESP32 into a DNS sinkhole to fight doomscrolling (amanvir.com)
03-21  Deliberate Practice for Developers (alexalejandre.com)
03-21  Leaking passwords (and more!) on macOS (wts.dev)
03-21  Faster interpreters in Go: Catching up with C (planetscale.com)
03-20  Life Altering Postgresql Patterns (mccue.dev)
03-20  A C implementation of defer using goto (gist.github.com)
03-20  The National Security Case for Email Plus Addressing (sagi.io)
03-20  Introducing GREASE: An Open-Source Tool for Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Binary Code (www.galois.com)
03-20  How NixOS and reproducible builds could have detected the xz backdoorfor the benefit of all (luj.fr)
03-20  Another round of Rust compiler improvements merged for GCC 15.1 (www.phoronix.com)
03-20  Building the Second-Worst ZX Spectrum Emulator in the World with Perl (fuzzix.org)
03-20  HealthyIG: Instagram without all the toxic features like reels, home page, explore page (github.com)
03-20  Half Constructed Objects Are Unnecessary (jerf.org)
03-20  Lance v2: A columnar container format for modern data (blog.lancedb.com)
03-20  CVE-2024-9956 - PassKey Account Takeover in All Mobile Browsers (mastersplinter.work)
03-20  One Billion Row Challenge in Racket (defn.io)
03-20  Introducing WEBCAT: Web-based Code Assurance and Transparency (securedrop.org)
03-20  Why didn''t Windows 95 setup use a miniature version of Windows 95 as its fallback GUI? (devblogs.microsoft.com)
03-20  Note to the C standards committee members on profiles and safety (www.open-std.org)
03-20  Red v0.6.6: Memory Management Improvements (www.red-lang.org)
03-19  QuickBench: A Zero-Dependency Linux Benchmark for CPU, Memory, and Storage (github.com)
03-19  In Search of the Next Great Programming Language (git.sr.ht)
03-19  Turing Award Special: A Conversation with Jack Dongarra (softwareengineeringdaily.com)
03-19  Bell Labs'' Unsung Heros in the History of Computing (2012) (dobbse.net)
03-19  Language interop and the extensible compiler (smallcultfollowing.com)
03-19  Apache Kafka 4.0.0 Release Announcement (kafka.apache.org)
03-19  Asahi Lina Pausing Work On Apple GPU Linux Driver Development (www.phoronix.com)
03-19  Failing upwards: the Twitter encrypted DM failure (mjg59.dreamwidth.org)
03-19  The State of Personal Online Security and Confidentiality (www.youtube.com)
03-19  On the Aesthetics of the Syntax of Declarations (2018) (www.gingerbill.org)
03-19  GreptimeDB Leads in Cold Run Performance on ClickHouse’s billion JSON doc benchmark (greptime.com)
03-19  Bisecting Regressions in Fedora Silverblue [2024] (enblog.eischmann.cz)
03-19  Why SNES hardware is running faster than expected—and why it’s a problem (arstechnica.com)
03-19  Introducing two new PebbleOS watches (ericmigi.com)
03-19  Patterns for modeling data with absolutely no NULLs? (lobste.rs)
03-19  OpenTimes: Free travel times between U.S. Census geographies (sno.ws)
03-19  Virtual Reality Projection Shenanigans (slugcat.systems)
03-18  Recyling a OnePlus 6T into a Kubernetes Node (gabrielsimmer.com)
03-18  The future of serialization & deserialization APIs (forums.swift.org)
03-18  Hexagons and Beyond: Flexible, Responsive Grid Patterns, Sans Media Queries (2021) (css-tricks.com)
03-18  I don''t think error handling is a solved problem in language design (utcc.utoronto.ca)
03-18  Why I''m No Longer Talking to Architects About Microservices (blog.container-solutions.com)
03-18  A Society That Lost Focus (ploum.net)
03-18  GPT-3.5 and the latest models (omarabid.com)
03-18  Component Simplicity (jerf.org)
03-18  Slack: The Art of Being Busy Without Getting Anything Done (matduggan.com)
03-18  Stop Using and Recommending React (blog.lusito.info)
03-18  How to Track and Document Known Issues Effectively in Software Projects (l.idaszak.com)
03-18  Extracting content from an LCP "protected" ePub (shkspr.mobi)
03-18  Building a search engine from scratch (jdrouet.github.io)
03-18  Can we consider self-promo discussion off-topic? (lobste.rs)
03-18  Parser combinators under the hood (youtu.be)
03-18  Past and Present Futures of User Interface Design (www.datagubbe.se)
03-18  Offline PKI using 3 YubiKeys and an ARM single board computer (vincent.bernat.ch)
03-18  Integer Linear Programming (ILP) (2020) (rtime.ciirc.cvut.cz)
03-18  After 47 years, OpenVMS gets a package manager (VSP) (raymii.org)
03-18  The Atrocious State Of Binary Compatibility on Linux and How To Address It (jangafx.com)
03-18  Password reuse is rampant: nearly half of observed user logins are compromised (blog.cloudflare.com)
03-18  The Rhombus Programming Language (rhombus-lang.org)
03-18  Zero-Knowledge Proofs (youtu.be)
03-18  Bypassing Authentication Like It’s The ‘90s - Pre-Auth RCE Chain(s) in Kentico Xperience CMS (labs.watchtowr.com)
03-17  Introducing Intel Advanced Performance Extensions (Intel APX) (www.intel.com)
03-17  HTTP/3 is everywhere but nowhere (httptoolkit.com)
03-17  Installing the sassc Ruby gem on a Mac. A debugging story (www.schneems.com)
03-17  Optimal Bounds for Open Addressing Without Reordering (arxiv.org)
03-17  What are you doing this week? (lobste.rs)
03-17  From Languages to Language Sets (gist.github.com)
03-17  Dioxus Fullstack crossplatform app framework for Rust (dioxuslabs.com)
03-17  Zest: a programming language for malleable and legible systems (github.com)
03-17  The many ends of programming (www.youtube.com)
03-17  Going down the rabbit hole of Git''s new bundle-uri (blog.gitbutler.com)
03-17  Inventing On Principle (youtu.be)
03-17  The Evolution of the Interface (2000) (www.asktog.com)
03-17  Big LLMs weights are a piece of history (antirez.com)
03-17  Frontside, Effection, and Structured Concurrency (www.youtube.com)
03-17  The hidden superpowers of linear types (2024) (www.youtube.com)
03-17  Docs: Open-source collaborative notes, wiki, and documentation platform by the French government (docs.numerique.gouv.fr)
03-16  open-ui: Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption (github.com)
03-16  Our interfaces have lost their senses (wattenberger.com)
03-16  Context Switching and Performance: What Every Developer Should Know (blog.codingconfessions.com)
03-16  Dynamically Scoped Functions as the Essence of AOP (citeseerx.ist.psu.edu)
03-16  Git 2.49 released with faster packing, Rust foreign language interface (www.phoronix.com)
03-16  Attacker Copied GitHub Project, Added Fake Stars and Malicious Code (www.reddit.com)
03-16  A Review of Helix after 1.5 Years (felix-knorr.net)
03-16  The Defer Technical Specification: It Is Time (thephd.dev)
03-16  AdaFruit FruitJam is a Mac 384K (youtu.be)
03-16  Mojo may be the biggest programming language advance in decades (www.fast.ai)
03-16  The Year of the Picotron Desktop (arnaught.neocities.org)
03-16  Reviving the modprobe_path Technique: Overcoming search_binary_handler() Patch (blog.theori.io)
03-16  My Favorite Firefox Extensions (alexn.org)
03-16  Speeding up C code with template lambdas (lemire.me)
03-16  Implicit Surfaces & Independent Research (www.youtube.com)
03-15  A Code Centric Journey Into the Gleam Language (youtu.be)
03-15  The Brat virtual machine (gitlab.com)
03-15  Were multiple return values Go''s biggest mistake? (herecomesthemoon.net)
03-15  Mapping the landscape of gen-AI product user experience (interconnected.org)
03-15  Comparison of Common Lisp Testing Frameworks (sabracrolleton.github.io)
03-15  Popular GitHub Action tj-actions/changed-files is compromised (www.stepsecurity.io)